The Lions School

The Lions School

This prospectus contains a great deal of information which I hope will answer many of the questions you may have as you prepare to choose a school for your child. However, in order to get a full flavor of the school, I would encourage you to visit us or make personal contact. At the Lions School, we are committed to maintaining the very highest standards. Our task, on your behalf and in partnership with you, is to ensure that all of our pupils are to ‘Innovate’, ‘create’, ‘learn’ and ‘lead.’ Our positive approach seeks to identify and create the ability and talent in every learner and to ensure, through an array of experiences and opportunities, that everyone has the chance to shine and can lead. The Lions School is a happy school where individuality and difference are recognized and embraced, and curiosity, creativity and leadership are fostered. Your child has the chance to succeed and the right to have their successes celebrated. We are a disciplined and caring environment where respect for each other and good manners are held in very high regard. Everyone at The Lions School knows all about the importance of observing Five Ps: Positive, Proud, Polite, Punctual and Prepared. Learning is at the heart of all that we do and in order to prepare young people to become the citizens of the future, the learning must be fun, challenging and be about real life and the real world. It is in this way that we will help shape the positive, confident, skilled and qualified young adults who can meet the demands of our ever changing world and make their own contributions to society and their community.
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