Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum

Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum

PFF believes internationally accepted principle that development is not theoretical exercise to transform a certain amount of money into some other commodity or some more money. Development is about people and deals with peoples lives. Hence, PFF adopted a right based approach to achieve, by providing an effective framework for a holistic analysis of development including its social, cultural, political and economic dimension and effective tools for designing result-oriented, empowering and sustainable development strategies. Consequently, PFF through its right based approach integrates human rights of fisher communities in the development process to effectively target human freedom. However, all projects and interventions carried out by PFF are based on human rights principles. In this regard, PFF organizes and mobilizes the vulnerable fisher communities to make a collective voice of fishers. Advocating and lobbying on issues and concerns of fisher communities are main focus of PFF to get the goal. PFF while struggling for survival rights of fishers, develop and strengthen relations not only with local NGOs but ties up its association with civil societies at national and international level. While, capacity building workshops, consultative meetings, seminars, awareness campaigns, media campaigns, organizing rallies, sit-in, hunger strikes, and developing linkages with all stakeholders including fisher communities, government authorities, and elected national and provincial assembly members are basic tools used by PFF to achieve the objectives.
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