Naseeb Networks, Inc.

Naseeb Networks, Inc.

Naseeb Networks is a leading provider of recruitment, social networking, classifieds and related services in Pakistan. The company owns and operates ROZEE.PK, Pakistan's most powerful recruiting platform which is used today by over 32,000 employers, 1,500,000 professionals and 87 HEC accredited universities. Naseeb Networks leveraged its early success to raise a historic round of venture capital investment from two leading Silicon Valley funds ePlanet Ventures and Draper Fisher Jurvetson. Naseeb Networks, Inc. is based out of San Jose, California. The company currently employs over 110 people across its four offices in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. The company is backed by founders/executives from PayPal, Excite, Cisco, LinkedIn, Friendster, and other notable companies. The company offers a fun, progressive, and professional work environment. Naseeb Networks, Inc. brings Silicon Valley dotcom culture to Pakistan with flexible work timings and a relaxed/fun atmosphere. Many of our employees are US/UK/Australia reverts. We hire exceptional individuals who are intelligent and creative. Naseeb Networks has been featured in the NY Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Dawn, Daily Times, Spider, and other well known publications.

No. of Employees