

Modest was established in February 2014 as a CMT (Cut, Make and Trim) Clothing Manufacturing business. Modest is a respected garment manufacturer, servicing retailers since its inception in 2014. Since then it has embarked on an ambitious program to expand, modernize and upgrade its infrastructure, equipment and services to increase its efficiency, reliability and competitiveness. The company is a vibrant and dynamic organization where state-of-the art technology is standard in business practice and communications. A highly skilled and enthusiastic workforce strives for nothing short of excellence in production, quality and service. Our ability to learn continuously has given us the flexibility and the nimbleness that is required for growth in changing and challenging times A critical pillar in supporting any organization is the team which forms its core. The company has always believed in nurturing and retaining top talent. Our employees are encouraged to participate actively in decision making which in turn ensures continuous learning. Today, we are proud to be backed by a team of proficient individuals who have the requisite skills, knowledge and experience to perform effectively and efficiently. Modest is committed to not only meeting but also exceeding all customer requirements, thus ensuring a 100% quality target that is carried throughout each step of the manufacturing process. The end result leads to the complete satisfaction of every customer and enhanced growth and success of the company. Committed to advancement, we continue to reinvent ourselves by meeting fresh challenges with innovative solutions. Standing firm on the foundation of goodwill and trust, we are now surging ahead by venturing into new avenues. Mission To earn customer loyalty by investing in people and systems there by providing them with competitively priced eco – friendly garments of premier quality which are delivered on time consistently. Values We take responsibility for QUALITY We deliver CUSTOMER SATISFACTION We provide LEADERSHIP as a company and as individuals We act with INTEGRITY in all we do We regard our SUPPLIERS as essential team member

No. of Offices
No. of Employees