HOPE (Health Oriented Preventive Education ) is a NGO (non-governmental organization) based in Karachi, Pakistan working towards Community Development, comprising of professionals ( Doctors, Social workers, Educationists ) as well as grass-root workers.

The ultimate aim of HOPE is Community Development through self-sufficiency of the community. The members of HOPE are working side by side with community volunteers and organize them in Community Based Organizations (CBO'S). All activities in the community are planned into co-ordination with the CBO'S and implemented in the community through the CBO'S. Hence, the community becomes SELF- SUFFICIENT and the community development work is SUSTAINABLE.

HOPE is presently addressing the following issues in the community.

Community Development and Organization into CBO'S.
Community Motivation.
Provision of Primary Health Care Services.
Awareness raising in community through Literacy programs.
Income-generation activities.
Environmental Sanitation.
Promotion of Hygienic Health Practices.
Through Community Development and Community Organization active members of the community, both males and females, are organized into CBO'S ( Community Based Organizations ) The community work is implemented through the community volunteers. HOPE believes in providing a package of community development working together with grass-root CBOs. This includes provision of Primacy Health Care (prevention of diarrhea, malnutrition, promotion of breast-feeding, vaccination, ante-natal care, family-planning, prevention of AIDs) as well as imparting awareness to the population through improvement of literacy status of children and women, income-generation activities as well as environmental sanitation and solid waste management.

HOPE is an NGO, working towards Community Development through community participation. HOPE believes not in giving but in sharing problems and solutions. The motto is SELF-SUFFICIENCY and SUSTAINABILITY.
No. of Employees