It is in line with this approach that a humble effort has been made by the MSK Society for Advancement of Learning a non-profit social service non-governmental organization registered under the Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860 to establish a high quality educational institution, the Hyderabad Institute of Arts, Science & Technology, on 1st August, 2001, imbibing in its ambit wide ranging areas commensurate with job market and other national developmental needs of the country. The institution is envisaged to develop the potential of progressively turning in to a full fledged University.The city of Hyderabad , in which the Institute is established, is the fourth largest city of Pakistan and symbolizes a coherent merger of the ancient and contemporary civilizations and cultures. There has been, therefore, a long-standing need and desire to establish such a center in the private sector if not in the public sector in the town.
It is in this backdrop that HiAST has been established in Hyderabad , which in due course of time, is envisaged to expand its facilities to encompass the intended University of Hyderabad Sindh . It will be an institution of its own kind combining the Liberal Arts, Emerging Sciences and New Technologies. It is being envisaged through the new vision developed recently to have all these fields of learning rather in one place for the balanced growth of minds of those, who seek and those, who impart education.One of the crosscutting fields, in which the Institute takes the initiative to embark upon, is IT, especially with business and technology development orientation.

The development in this field is well recognized and is being pursued vigorously by the Government of Pakistan in general and the Ministry of Science and Technology in particular.
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