Associate in Community Development

Associate in Community Development

AICD was founded in 2008 and registered in the year 2009. AICD is a non-profit/non-governmental volunteer organization having multidimensional approach working for welfare and development of humanity, especially in the larger interest of marginalized, disadvantaged and poor humans as well as the socially and economically handicapped and down trodden communities of FATA and Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa. AICD believes in teamwork and to mobilize and organize poorest of the poor under participatory approach. AICD is a multi-pronged (NGO) working for the larger interest of backward communities to rehabilitate them socially, morally as well as economically. The efforts are aimed to improve their life standard, improvement of socio-economic condition and way of thinking in all disciplines, to develop their local resources and enhance their income generating sources as well as build their capacity on sustainable grounds leading towards their self-respect, Self-decision, Self-reliance, and self- sufficiency.
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