
I have over a decade of experience in Development sector on key positions with well-known National International NGOs i.e. UNDP, Creative Associates International, ACTED, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP) etc. in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , Azad Kashmir, Interior Sindh and in the metropolitan city of Karachi.

During my professional career I have successfully led and implemented projects on WASH/DRR, Livelihood, Peace Building/ Counter Violence Extremism (CVE) Governance. I have experience of working in emergencies like earthquake 2005 (AJK), Conflict IDPs 2009 (KP), Rain floods emergency 2010 (KP & Sindh) as well as in early recovery development phase with multiple Donors that includes DFID, UNICEF, OFDA, European Union USAID/ OTI. I have also experience working on small grants projects and its implementation directly & indirectly through partner NGOs & Government. Program Management/development, Community Mobilization, Conflict Management, M&E, Advocacy, Liaison with Government and report writing are my other expertise and skills. Recently, I worked for UNDP-Stabilization & Development Program (SDP) pillar FATA Economic Revitalization Projcet (FERP) in the capacity of Team Leader based in Peshawar with frequent traveling to Merged District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Currently, I am working with QATAR CHARITY INGO in the capacity of Project Manager based in Quetta for UNICEF funded Refuge Response Project implementing in 6 districts of Balochistan.


Provincial Lead/ Project Manager
Qatar Charity
Sep 2022 - 代表 | Quetta, Pakistan

·        Head of office and responsible for leading and managing QC Regular & Donor funded WASH, DRR & Climate Resilient Projects;
·        Coordination with Government line departments i.e. BCRA, PDMA, CAR, PHED, Local Govt, Health & Education at provincial level & District Administration for implementation & acquiring NOCs;
·        Coordination with Donors & Country office project updates and necessary approvals;
·        Planning for activities implementation as per DIP, budget forecasting & PRs approval from CO;
·        Planning & implementation of QC seasonal projects i.e. Ramadan Food Packages, Qurbani, Free Eye surgeries camps, winter kits distributions etc. 
·        Lead & manage a team of 70 plus staff i.e. Program Team including Project Officer, WASH Specialist, DDR & Climate Change officer, PSEA officer, MEAL offices, Field Engineers, Master Trainer, Social Organizers, Admin, Logistics, Finance and HR staff;
·        Provide technical assistance and backstopping to the staff related to project activities;
·        Closely observe & ensure that Operations department follow compliance and procedures in procurement process, vendor selection, quality check and bid awards;
·        Keep close eye on the burn rate and funds spending as per trench wise budget allocation;
·        Technical assistance to the Program Team to implement project activities in-lined with the DIP and agreed project document;
·        Keep close check on FACE/ICE form, budget variance and spending as per agreed Trenches;
·        Regular visits to District offices/ field areas of target Districts i.e. Quetta, Pishin, Loralai, Killasaifullah, Chaman, Chaghi & Naseerabad Division.

Team Lead-WASH
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Mar 2022 - Sep 2022 | Peshawar, Pakistan

·         Lead the UNDP Stabalization & Development Program (SDP)-FERP WASH Teams and project activities in 3 Districts i.e. Khyber, North & South Waziristan;
·         Development of project work plan and reporting tools for project activities;
·         Development of IEC material, Content for Health & Hygiene Session and O&M Sessions;
·         Facilitate re-assessment of constructed markets under the SDP-FERP pillar for WASH schemes;
·         Backstopping of field teams and supervision of project activities i.e. need assessment, H&H sessions, O&M sessions at markets and community level;
·         Train and orient WASH field officers in management and delivery of community level sessions;
·         Establish liaison with market committees and local influential/ elders;
·         Facilitation of WASH teams in formation & mobilization of market committees in target NMDs;
·         Facilitate the teams in signing agreements with Market Committees for WASH schemes;
·         Monitoring of WASH schemes construction in target markets and share progress and issues with UNDP Livelihood Coordinator;
·         Represent UNDP in district level meetings with Deputy Commissioner and Local Govt. department;
·         Weekly & Monthly Reporting to UNDP-SDP management.

Project Manager-IHSS-SD
Jul 2021 - Mar 2022 | Peshawar, Pakistan

·         Overall management of 4 district teams for Integrated Health System Strengthening and Service Delivery Project implemented in Peshawar, Charsadda, Mardan & Swat;
·         Planning & Implementation of project activities in target districts;
·         Coordination and liaison with District Administration, DHO, EPI and other  stakeholders for smooth implementation of the project;
·         Close Coordination with JSI management at provincial and Federal level;
·         Provide guidance and backstopping to the District Coordinators for implementation of project activities as per agreement with donor;
·         Keeping the donor up to date regarding new developments in the field and lesson learnt;
·         Progress sharing with stakeholders and Donor on regular basis;
·         Sharing of fund requests with JSI Finance department on monthly basis.

Field Coordinator
United Nations Development Programme
Oct 2020 - Jun 2021 | Peshawar, Pakistan

·       Leading & provide technical assistance to a team of 22 including 20 Field officers (LGAs) for South Waziristan, Khyber, Kurram & Orakzai Districts & 2 M&E Officers based in Peshawar;
·       Coordination with District Administration/ Military & key Tribal Elders for security of staff and smooth implementation of project activities;
·       Coordination with senior management of Implementing partners to ensure they achieved their targets as per agreement with UNDP;
·       Assist the M&E team in developing tools for data collection & field monitoring visits;
·       Meeting with M&E team to discuss findings of their field visits, compliance report & immediately communicate the field team for corrective measures or improvements;
·       Coordination with the field team to get updated on the overall situation and field activities in target areas;
·       Regular field visits to monitor field staff (UNDP-LGAs & Implementing Partner field team is present, resources are efficiently utilizing and & to ensure that activities are carried out & aligned with the agreed project objectives;
·       Develop field visit reports to share with Project Team Lead at UNDP Islamabad;
·       Keeping the Conflict Resolution management updated with day to day situation or deviation from the field;
·       Development of field Reports and other project related reports.

M&E Officer
UNDP-Merged Areas Governance Project
Oct 2019 - Sep 2020 | Peshawar, Pakistan

- Development of Log-frame and M&E Framework for the LG Ambassadors Program and COVID-19 emergency response in Merged District;
- Development of different monitoring tools, activity reporting, weekly & monthly reporting tools for program activities, baseline and FGD tools for both LGAP and COVID-19 response;
- Leading & provide guidance to M&E team for effective and efficient monitoring of field activities;
- Regular Information and progress sharing with M&E Manager UNDP Islamabad regarding LGAP component as per MAGP Pillar framework;
- Lead & conduct LGAP Baseline survey in 7 Merged Districts of KP to assess pre intervention knowledge regarding different program themes;
- Backstopping of District Coordinators in developing weekly/ monthly reports, data collection and sharing with UNDP, Islamabad;
- Spot Checks Field Monitoring to Newly Merged Districts of Khyber, Bajur, Mohmand, South/North Wazirstan, Kurram & Orakzai;
- Coordination with Districts Coordinators to ensure & use proper tools for reporting program activities in their respective districts;
- Qualitative & Quantitative monitoring of Civic Education and COVID-19 activities in all Merged Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa;
- Facilitate and provide backstopping to M&E team in conducting FGDs with different stakeholders e.g. Community Notables, Deputy Commissioners and youth;
- Identification/ development of success stories from field and technical report writing;
- Real time reporting to LGRU Team Leader & UNDP office.

Program Coordinator
Youth Development Foundation (YDF)
Jan 2016 - Dec 2018 | Karachi, Pakistan

• Led staff & Program activities of Peace Building & WASH interventions in Karachi & Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa;
• Develop concept notes, YLs & proposals for new funding under guidelines of different Donors;
• Develop program strategies in accordance with timelines and funding limitations;
• Oversee Operational activities (HR/Administration, Finance & Logistics) approvals &budget management, keeping proper financial records as per organization and donor's requirement and compliance;
• Prepare project work plans in collaboration with Donors e.g. USAID/ OTI, DFID, DAI & ensure timely implementation of activities;
• Provide direction guidance to the project teams to achieve Project objectives successfully as per project documents;
• Facilitate Peace Building sessions with Interfaith Religious Leaders, elected local bodies and civil society to promote peace, tolerance and interfaith harmony in their concern periphery;
• Facilitate sessions/ discussion with youth from multi ethnic and religious backgrounds to discuss issues of intolerance and violent extremism in our surrounding;
• Facilitate & Participate in panel discussions on Peace Building/ Diversity Tours to interfaith worship places for youth/ university students to promote Peace and interfaith harmony;
• Impart WASH ToTs to Community Hygiene Promotion Master Trainers in selected intervention areas;
• Regular field visits to monitor project activities (WASH) in Charsadda, Nowshera & Mardan & Peace Building activities in Karachi;
• Develop and maintain good working relation and liaison with different Govt. Counterparts e.g. Home Department, Commissioner’s Office, Education, Local Govt. etc. and other stakeholders;
• Coordination/ attend high level meetings with donors, sharing project updates and conduct closeout meetings etc.
• Prepare weekly/ monthly progress reports, success stories, case studies and project completion reports.

Program Development Officer
Creative Associates International / Karachi Youth Initiative (KYI)
Apr 2014 - Sep 2015 | Karachi, Pakistan

• Overall management of USAID/ OTI funded grants portfolio and technical implementation of activities through activity cycle from Concept, Proposal Development, Implementation, through close out, in collaboration with Implementing Partners and Program Team;
• Management and supervision of Community Development Projects e.g. Re-Construction/ Rehabilitation of Govt. Schools, Parks/ Playgrounds and other infrastructure at community;
• Programmatic assessment and develop/ maintain pipeline for new grants and potential partners;
• Coordination with Grantees/ IPs and POCs for smooth program implementation;
• Develop community mobilization/ outreach strategy for grantees;
• Provide footings/ links to the Grantees in the local communities for project implementation;
• Direct Involvement with community and conflict management at community & Govt. level;
• Acquisition of NOCs from Govt. departments for both direct KYI grants and indirect implemented grants through Grantees (NGOs);
• Tracking of all portfolio grants for timely milestone payments, Grant amendments (with USAID/ OTI) for Time, Cost/ No-Cost or Change in Scope of Work if required and timely close out of completed grants as per donor’s compliance;
• Liaison with Govt. Departments i.e. Education, Youth Affairs, Commissioner Karachi, DC’s, AC’s, Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) and Cantonment Boards for KYI activities and other program related support;
• Meetings & Coordination with USAID DCD-Pakistan and other officials of OTI for discussing new ideas and performance evaluation of grantees/ awardees;
• Regular field visits to monitor Program activities properly implementing both by Grantees/ IPs & KYI;
• Writing of Activity Reports/ Success stories and other technical reports.

Program Coordinator-WASH/ DRR
Support with Working Solution (SWWS), Pakistan
Feb 2013 - Apr 2014 | Peshawar, Pakistan

• Develop Concept Notes & support Program Development Manager in writing proposals for new funding;
• Represent SWWS in donor and cluster meetings at provincial and national level;
• Managing WASH/ DRR staff and project activities;
• Development of WASH/ Hygiene Promotion & Community Mobilization strategy for program implementation;
• Capacity building of staff in different Hygiene approaches including CLTS/SLTS;
• Facilitate CLTS/SLTS demonstration in the field;
• Liaison with donors, Govt. departments and other stakeholders;
• Prepare weekly/monthly reports to share with KFW/PPAF & UNFPA ;
• Monitor of Community Infrastructure/ WASH projects & achievements;
• Technical assistance to Project Coordinators and other staff in accordance to Agreed Project Document;
• Budget management & other duties assign by the Executive Director.

Program Manager-WASH (Sindh)
ACTED Pakistan
Jun 2011 - Dec 2012 | Mirpur Khas, Pakistan

• Management of overall Emergency WASH & Agriculture Component in Upper Sindh (Hyderabad, Badin, Mirpurkhas, Umarkot, Sanghar) & Lower Sindh (Kashmore, Shikarpur & Jaccobabad);
 • Planning and strategy for WASH & Agriculture/ Permaculture activities;
• Provide Technical support to the Project Coordinators, Community Mobilizers, Hygiene Promoters and field Engineers for effective program implementation;
• Capacity Building of staff in different WASH approaches and Permaculture;
• Development of IEC material and Hygiene Promotion Manual for Community Trainers;
• Technical guidance to the Senior Civil Engineer in designing of Community Latrines and Hand pumps according to Sphere standards and environment friendly;
• Quality control of material and ensure completion of hardware activities in given time frame through different tools of monitoring;
• Facilitate and provide inputs to the Program Development Team at Country Office regarding core issues in the community, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities on the ground for pipeline projects;
• Design and Celebration of special days e.g. Global Hand washing day, World Water day & World Environment day to create awareness among the local communities and relevant stakeholders;
• Coordination and Liaison with District Administration, line departments and other NGOs/INGOs and UN agencies.

Field Manager (WASH-FE)
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
Oct 2010 - Apr 2011 | Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan

• Management & Supervision of project staff and activities and its proper implementation in the field;
• Strategies & Planning for effective and smooth implementation of project activities;
• Provide technical support to the field staff in different WASH approaches like PHAST, CHAST, CTC & PRA tools;
• Qualitative and quantitative monitoring of the activities and impact of the project;
• Good coordination with stakeholders/other NGOs and within the team;
• Furnishing Reports like KAP, Case studies and success stories;
• Budget Management and Timely reporting to the EH Coordinator at Head Office.

Project Manager-CP
Sep 2010 - Oct 2010 | Peshawar, Pakistan

• Represent FLOWERS in the cluster meetings & General coordination meetings at Provincial level;
• Close coordination with UN agencies and relevant stakeholders;
• Coordination with PDMA and other Govt. departments to update them regarding Program activities and to obtain NOCs;
• Technical assistance of staff regarding program and implementation;
• Develop mechanism for distribution of NFIs and FIs to the most vulnerable FAP;
• Regular field visits for monitoring of on-going activities and to ensure donor compliance;
• Development of strong Referral mechanism of child protection and other issues;
• Timely reporting to the Executive Director.

Project Manager-WASH
Society for Sustainable Development (SSD)
Apr 2007 - Jul 2010 | Muzaffarabad, Pakistan

During this tenure with SSD I successfully implemented 5 WASH Projects as a Project Manager i.e. 3 Projects in Muzaffarabad, Neelum, Panjkot (UNICEF Funded), Pakistan Safe Drinking Water & Hygiene Promotion Project (USAID funded) in Muzaffarabad, WASH Project for Conflict IDPs in KP and WAQIPH Project (UNICEF Funded) in Abbottabad. Following were my responsibilities:
·        Management and supervision of staff and Projects;
·        Technical support and Capacity Building of Project staff Capacity building of staff in mobilization, Hygiene promotion & effective tools of behavior change to prevent different disease;
·        Provide SPHERE standard guidelines to the staff regarding project activities in camp situation;
·        Close Coordination with Govt. departments e.g. District Administration, Education, Local Government, Public Health & ERRA;
·        Coordination and sharing project reports with Donor’s and Reporting to SSD Headquarter;
·        Regular Field visits to monitor project implementation;
·        Attend Multi stakeholder meetings, Monthly & Quarterly Review Meetings for progress sharing;
·        Facilitate donor visits to the project areas;
·        Budget Management & Development of Case studies and success stories;
·        Preparation of quarterly & project completion reports to share with Head Office and Donor.

Team Leader (Community Mobilization & HP)
Society for Sustainable Development (SSD)
Oct 2006 - Mar 2007 | Muzaffarabad, Pakistan

• Lead the Community Mobilization and Hygiene Promotion teams of the Project;
• Provide guidance to the team for smooth project implementation;
• Provide support and linkages to the field teams and engineers at the local communities;
• Facilitate Child to Child (CTC) approach and CHAST TOTs for teachers at UC level;
• Close Coordination with Education Officers of each UC;
• Facilitate Donor visits to the target areas;
• Identification of success stories and report the Project Coordinator;
• Meeting with School Management Committees (SMCs) to get feedback about the project;
• Lead the team in celebrating Sanitation Weeks;
• Liaison with other Implementing Partners for sharing success and good practices;
• Compilation of weekly and monthly reports of all target UCs and share with the Project Coordinator.

Social Organizer
Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP)
Jul 2005 - Sep 2006 | Kohat, Pakistan

• Technical assistance to the TMAs and social mobilizers of district Kohat, Karak and Hangu;
• Identification of vulnerable communities for RWSS Schemes;
• Formation of Community Organizations including Women Organizations for the project schemes;
• Community Mobilization for RWSS Project schemes and Mobilize Community for 20% contribution to the schemes for sustainability;
• Regular Field Visits to the project sites to monitor progress and issues;
• Data Collection of Water supply and Sanitation Schemes;
• Preparation of work plans and progress reports;
• Regular Meetings with Communities and TMA Social Mobilizers regarding schemes updates and issues;
• Facilitate visits of Regional WATSAN Engineer and Senior Social Organizer;
• Close Coordination with TMOs for advise on different schemes;
• Timely update and reporting to the SSO.


University of Peshawar
硕士, , Masters in Arts‎
International Relations


熟练 Emergence respo
熟练 learning and development
熟练 monitoring & evaluating programmes
熟练 Project Implemention
熟练 Ability to work in and with a diverse team
熟练 Accounts Administration
熟练 Advocacy & Community Mobilization
熟练 Communication for Development
熟练 Conflict Management
熟练 Conservation Awareness
熟练 Consortium Management
熟练 Contemporary understanding of issues and
熟练 Cooordination Skills
熟练 Donor Experience
熟练 Excellent English Writing Skills
熟练 experience in reviewing
熟练 External Coordination and Networking
熟练 Good Computer Skills
熟练 Good understanding of current thinking
熟练 Governance & Human Rights
熟练 Graduation or above
熟练 Handling Assignments
熟练 in depth understanding of national & Int.
熟练 Inspection Implementation
熟练 Knowledge of capacity building
熟练 Knowledge of CLTS/PATS Plus approach
熟练 Knowledge of Research and Assessment Studies
熟练 Liaison With Govt. & Donors
熟练 Management and Coordination
熟练 Operational experience and track record of
熟练 Peace Building/ CVE
熟练 Program Management
熟练 Programme Development
熟练 Project Analysis
熟练 Proposal Writing
熟练 Proven experience of developing quality proposals
熟练 Quality Control Processes Command
熟练 Record Management
熟练 Report Writing Skills
熟练 Reporting Abilities
熟练 RESTful APIs
熟练 Sound knowledge & commitment to participatory
熟练 Strategy Review and Implementation
熟练 Strengthening Internal Coordination and
熟练 Strong knowledge of CHS and SPHERE standards.
熟练 Understanding of Logical Framework


熟练 普什图语
熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 英语



Ejaz is a natural leader.

Ejaz 联系人

Mohsin Khan
Save the Children
Sobia Barkat Barkat
Woman empowerment pakistan
spika manufacturing ltd
Zakia Parveen
Hujra VSO