
I like to pursue my career in the social development sector in areas such as project management, community mobilization, advocacy and communications. I have about 15 years of professional experience with some of the reputed International NGOs like World Vision International, Save the Children, American Refugee Council, Plan International, and NCHD. I have worked  in Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan and ICT provinces of Pakistan. Master Trainer for various trainings and tools. I can start away with confidence for any Women and Children’s Rights, Mother and Child Health, Youth Empowerment, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Nutrition, Community Livelihood, Water and Sanitation, Adult Literacy, Gender Rights and Health Education Programs. I got hands-on experience in project monitoring, proposal writing, donor reporting, communication related project stories development, coordination with Government line departments, advocacy and community mobilization. 


Senior Project Officer
American Refugee Committee
Feb 2018 - Oct 2018 | ICT, Pakistan

Project: EAC – Education Above All (Access to Education for One Million Out of School Children in Pakistan) 3 As a Senior Project Officer, in American Refugee Committee, my major responsibilities included community mobilization and capacity building assignments under this project. This project of Access to Education for One Million Out of School Children in Pakistan was funded by EAC Qatar. I participated in community mobilization and capacity building activities of project in Islamabad – ICT and Attock regions where I coordinated with Education department for mobilization and training activities in schools for enrollment campaign, teachers’ trainings and coordination with other stakeholder local NGOs, Government line departments and RSPNs for establishing non formal education component under EAC project. From February 2018 to September 2018, I delivered following major tasks. • Coordinated with education departments of District Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Attock for Teachers Training and developed need assessment report for ARC to provide teachers training for strengthening enrollment campaign in underperforming union councils. • Coordinated with Government line departments and local NGOs for promotion of non formal education and establishment of non formal education centers in selected union councils. Participated in assessment of IP selection and signing MoU agreement with Government line departments and selected IP (2 local NGOs) for non formal education. • Conducted training of trainers on community mobilization for staff and stakeholders to strengthen the enrollment campaigns and develop education committees in target areas Major Achievements: 1- ARC signed MoU agreements with stakeholders and Government line departments for non formal education 2- Field team and IP staff received ToT on community mobilization and started resource mobilization for local philanthropy 

Reporting and Communication Coordinator - Sindh
Save the Children
Oct 2016 - Nov 2017 | Shikarpur, Pakistan

Projects: 1- Women and Children/Infants Improved Nutrition in Sindh (WINS) 2- Integrated Maternal and Neonatal Child Health (IMNCH) 3- Family Planning and Post Abortion Care (FP and PAC) 4 As a Reporting and Communication Coordinator, in Save the Children’s Upper Sindh programme, my major responsibilities include communication and donor reporting for AUSAID/DFAT, EU, and Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation. Additionally, I involved in capacity building of project teams around impact based quality reporting, photography, case studies, and success stories. From October 2016 to November 2017, I delivered following tasks. • Submitted Annual Reports of EUWINS Project (2016, 2017), Annual Reports of FP and PAC Project (2016, 2017), Annual Report of IMNCH Project (2016), and Six Monthly Reports of all three projects. • Developed Electronic Media Products (Beneficiairies Video Interviews, Content for Documentary Films, Video lessons, under EUWINS, FPPAC and IMNCH projects, Beneficiary Interviews and Project Impact Stories). • Developed print/publishing content, for Save the Children Quarterly and Annual Newsletters, project booklets, photo stories etc. • Conducted trainings of project teams in report writing, stories & case studies development, and photography. • Developed and updated success stories on MNCH, Nutrition and FP for organization’s website. • Coordinated with MEAL for Research and Learning in all projects, conducted studies in Kangroo Mother Care, Gender Sensitized Routine Immunization, Girls and Adults Nutrition in Sindh and Quality Improvement Teams. Major Achievements: • Received reorganization for quality reporting and communication from Aus-Aid, EU, DFAT and Susan Thompson (donors) 

Program Officer – Reporting and Communication
World Vision International
Jan 2016 - Sep 2016 | Muzaffargarh, Pakistan

As a Reporting and Communication Program Officer, in World Vision International, my major responsibilities include communication and donor reporting. Additionally, I also developed new proposals and my responsibilities included field based donor reporting and communication assignments where I also involved in capacity building of project teams on reporting and communication and also liaison with head office for advocacy and media assignments. Projects: 1- Education and Youth Empowerment (WV Canada) 2- Adolescent Reproductive Health Project (WV Australia) 3- Community Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction Project (WC Korea) • Developed concept notes and proposals; 5 • Facilitated communication plans and media communication for documentary films, success stories, case studies, and beneficiaries’ short video stories. • Conducted program assessment, program and financial reviews of running projects • Reviewed donors reporting of different projects • Assisted in area strategy formation • Developed liaison with media organizations for IEC Material, Printings, Video Making and Broadcasting • Arranged Radio programs on program interventions, and facilitated the broadcasting. • Capacitated district working groups (civil society organizations) • Provided technical support to project teams in support and management oversight in preparation of key documents (i.e. detailed implementation plans, log-frames, M&E plans, ITT, monthly and quarterly reports, case studies and success stories) • Developed IEC material on education of girls, DRR, sexual and reproductive health, gender and children participation/child rights. • Developed Partnership agreements/MoUs with relevant institutes for collaborative of organization Major Achievements: • Proposal on soalarifying THQ received funding by WV Korea. • Concept note on Youth Empowerment was selected for funding by WV US. • FM radio campaigning helped in sexual and reproductive health project targets. • Developed Quarterly and Annual Donor field reports for WV Australia, WV Canada and WV Korea • Developed Video Messages and Project stories for DRR, Education for Girls and Sexual and Reproductive Health for organizations website. • Recognitions by donor on producing two documentary films on sexual and reproductive health and out of school girls in district Muzaffargarh (in south Punjab, Pakistan) 

Project Manager
Association for Gender Awareness & Human Empowerment (AGAHE)
Feb 2014 - Aug 2015 | Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan

Project: HSBC/Water Aid (ODF Muzaffargarh Project) As a Project Manager in AGAHE Muzaffargarh, I was reporting to the CEO and Director Projects in Lahore. In Muzaffargarh my major responsibilities included project implementation in all Tehsils and coordination with Government line departments. • Conducted Baseline study for new WASH interventions. • Successfully conducted KAP Survey for WASH and Hygiene Promotion. • Linkages development with District Government, PHED, TMA and other line departments. • Formation of WASH District Support Group. • Communities’ linkages development. 6 • Donor reporting and timely submission of quality donor reports. • Implemented CLTS in all tehsils of District Muzaffargarh. • Coordinated with District Forum for WASH Advocacy. • Capacitated stakeholder WASH district group organizations. • Engaged local media for WASH campaigning. • Prepared IEC Material on CLTS and WASH. • Established sanitation marketing entrepreneurs. Major Achievement: • District WASH advocacy group approved by the District Government. 

Institutional Development Officer
Plan International Pakistan
Feb 2013 - Oct 2013 | Vehari, Pakistan

Project: Plan Milk Value Chain Project (PMVCP) As Institutional Development Officer in Plan International (INGO) in Vehari, I was assigned tasks of capacity building of IPs and local community leaders under the Plan Milk Value Chain (livelihood generation project) of Plan International in all Tehsils of District Vehari. Some major tasks which were achieved by me during this tenure are listed below: • Capacitated already formed 100 Farmer Milk Cooperatives (enterprise for milk value chain). • Registered and institutionalized milk farmer organization as district support group (named Rural Communities Farmers Welfare Organization, the RCWO). • Successfully monitored funding project of RCWO (as Plan Partner organization under PMVCP for milk collection and its corporate level sales, money disbursement to farmers and capacity building of village level farmer organizations. • Developed and facilitated new policies for smooth operations of RCWO. • Facilitated RCWO for signing 3 contracts with corporate sector (namely Adam Milk, Gourmet and Millac). • Developed partner’s liaison with district government and other organizations. Major Achievements: • Registered farmer’s organization under social welfare Act and strengthened the institution. • Monitored and institutionalized partner’s implementation. • Facilitated local organization for signing 3 milk sale contracts with corporate sector. • Established city based milk and dairy product outlets through successful milk entrepreneurs. 

Project Coordinator
World Vision International
Mar 2011 - Oct 2012 | Sukkur, Pakistan

Project: Disaster Emergency Committees WASH and Livelihood Response in Upper Sindh (2010 Floods Early Recovery Phase Project) As a project coordinator for this project of Livelihood and WASH interventions under the 2010 flood emergency response of World Vision International and Disaster Emergency Committee (UK) I was looking after the project implementation in 3 districts of Sindh (Khairpur, Shikarpur and Sukkur). During this tenure the major tasks which were achieved are listed below: • Signing MoUs with 3 district governments and project startup. • Detailed Implementation Plan for WASH and Livelihood activities in 3 districts, involving huge cash for work, infrastructure schemes, enterprise development, community trainings, CLTS and kitchen gardening, hygiene promotion, children groups formation and implementation of CHAST. • Supervised 50+ team for huge response of cash transfer, trainings, enterprise development, and infrastructure development. • Coordination with WASH and Livelihood cluster of UNOCHA. • Developed accountability mechanism. • Submitted quarterly and annual donor reports, and organized lessons learned workshops, seminars, international days and other events. • Submitted new proposal, and it granted for engagement of community children in CHAST. • Formed District WASH Groups in 3 districts. • Monitored the funding of local organizations for Livelihood trainings and enterprise development. Major Achievements: • Recognition of project success from WVUK – 0% budget on project end. • Monitored local partner’s implementation for Livelihood (enterprise development). • 2418 beneficiaries received cash for work. • 2120 poorest poor beneficiaries received cash grants. • 989 households trained on DRR. • 500 women participated in kitchen gardening • 250 women developed small enterprises. • Open defecation decreased from 80% to 57% after CLTS and hygiene promotion activities. (World Vision WASH Study) • 1 award winning proposal of WASH through Children. (CHAST approach)

District Programme Manager (Literacy)
National Commission for Human Development (NCHD)
Apr 2010 - Sep 2011 | Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan

Programme: District Literacy Prgoramme of Adult Literacy Centers As a District Programme Manager in NCHD Dera Ghazi Khan I could work from April to September 2010 and also started the 2010 flood emergency response of NCHD since the flood had hit the district and all target area under the program was flooded so literacy program of NCHD in the district was halted and all team started emergency response in target areas. However some of the major activities before 2010 flood are listed below: • Supervised District Literacy team of National Commission for Human Development - NCHD) in District D.G.Khan. • Directed assessments and monitoring of around 90 Women Adult Literacy Centers (ALCs) around all tehsils of District Dera Ghazi Khan • Developed IEC material for ALCs 9 • Trained staff around new ALC formation procedures and community engagement • Involved in early emergency flood response during 2010 flood disaster • Facilitated target areas ALCs to get camps during flood (since 2010 flood affected a huge target area of ALCs) • Successfully monitored medical camps and food supply to flood affected camps in union council Haji Ghazi and union council samina 

Community Mobilization Assistant
Save the Children
Dec 2009 - Apr 2010 | Vehari, Pakistan

Project: Pakistan Initiative for Mothers and Newborns- IMNCH (PAIMAN) As a Community Mobilization Assistant in Save the Children under the PAIMAN (first IMNCH project in Pakistan) in District Vehari I was assigned community mobilization assignment to work under the close liaison with National LHW Program. PAIMAN was a consortium of many partners. Save the Children was doing the capacity building of partners and community mobilization under PAIMAN. Some of the major tasks which I performed during this tenure are listed below: • Participated in Pakistan Initiative for Mothers and Newborns (PAIMAN) project of Save the Children in District Vehari. • Involved in capacity building of National Health Support Programme staff; trained LHWs and LHW committees around family planning, reproductive health, interception introduction etc. • Engaged with BHUs and RHCs of District Vehari for the process of improved quality services at health facilities • Initiated PDQ process with target communities and health facilities • Arranged community based meetings, seminars and corner meetings for PAIMAN project • Involved in daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly report writing for head office and donor Major Achievement: • Applied Save the Children’s PDQ approach’s smart version, as experiment and succeeded • Organized successful community and mega events with liaison and close collaboration of District Health Department and other NGOs.

Community Development Facilitator
Research Advocacy and Social Training Institute (RASTI)
Aug 2006 - Nov 2009 | Vehari, Pakistan

Social Development Programs as IP with Plan International: 1- Plan Pakistan’s Child to Child Health Programme 2- Plan Pakistan’s Early Childhood Care and Development Programme 3- Plan Pakistan’s Primary Health Care Programme As a Community Development Facilitator in RASTI in District Vehari I was responsible for community mobilization of 3 projects in all Tehsils of District. These were Plan International funded social development programmes under the child centered community development approach. I participated in community mobilization assignments under these long term development programmes. Some major activities which I performed during this tenure are listed below: • Worked as a Community Development Facilitator for RASTI in its Health and Education programmes under partnership with Plan Pakistan in District Vehari • Involved in formation and capacity building process of 55 CBOs for their village development plans • Trained 55 Childern Forums around CRC, and arranged followup meetings with Children Forums under Plan Pakistan's CCCD approach to facilitate the development process • Involved in formation and capacity building of 55 Village Health Committees in Plan Partner communities under Plan Pakistans Primary Health Care Programme for Mother and New Born Child • Participated in formation and development process of 33 Early Childhood Development Centers for children of under 5 years age • Participated in IEC material development for Child Rights/CRC • Arranged community meetings, seminars, video shows, health melas with children, women, and men of rural communities Major Achievements: • Learned and implemented approaches such as PRA, Rights Based implementation and child centered community development. • Trained and worked with 100+ children groups • Trained 55 community based organizations in 2 tehsils • Organized community based volunteer funds ‘sehat khazana’ in 33 communities • Organized 100s of community and district level events under 3 projects. • Learned through multi sectorial integrated implementation of Health, Education, Child Rights, Livelihood and Infrastructure Development. 

Operations Manager
Minhaj Halal Pakistan
Dec 2018 - Oct 2024 | Lahore, Pakistan

Project: Development of a Halal Certification Body recognized with Government of Pakistan and Start up of Formal Halal Education and Training Programs.  As a Research and Development Manager in Minhaj Halal Pakistan (A project of the Minhaj University Lahore), my major responsibilities included to look after all the development and liasion process with various national and international stakeholders, overall Management to develop new Diploma/Certificate courses and their implementation through university departments, Assist and collaborate to conduct International conferences (World Islamic Economics Conference - Annual), Support the Halal Certification unit in various research and learning activities around the Halal Industry (Halal Food, Halal Cosmetics, Halal Pharamaceuticals, Halal Tourism, Halal Media, Halal Fashion, Halal Packaging etc). 
During this job, I successfully participated in SECP registration of this organization, started various new courses, collaborated with various national and international stakeholders for education,  trainings and  research activities, various capacity building workshops and events are organized with my direct involvement, signed MOA and MOU with various stakeholders for collaboration, research and education including universities and institutes, Federal government organization under MOST, and MORA,whereas also contributed to develop an International center of excellance under the university for research and learning of Halal Sciences. 


National College of Arts
大专, ‎
Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology (SZABIST)
硕士, 工商管理硕士学位, MBA‎
Management, Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising
Al Khair Univeristy
学士, BSc, ‎
Computer Science, Programming, Web Development
Cadet College Mastung
中级/A级, , ‎
Mathematics, Physics


熟练 Writing Skills
熟练 360 Assessments
熟练 Academic Program Development
熟练 Accounts Administration
熟练 Adaptation Fund
熟练 Adaptive Management
熟练 Analytical Skills
熟练 Applied Researching
熟练 Aseptic Technique Knowledge
熟练 Assessments and Distributions
熟练 Behavior Change Communication
熟练 Climate Change
熟练 Command On English Language & Grammar
熟练 Communication and Presentation Skills
熟练 Communication Skills
熟练 Communications Management
熟练 Community Emergency Response
熟练 Community Mobilization
熟练 Computer Literacy
熟练 Computer Skills
熟练 Content Design
熟练 Content Writing
熟练 Cooordination Skills
熟练 Coordination Skills
中级 Creatve Writing
熟练 Crisis Management
熟练 Cross Cultural Communication Skills
熟练 Digital Communication
熟练 Digital Communication Skills
熟练 Donor Reporting
熟练 Ecellent Communication Skills
中级 Economics
熟练 Editing
熟练 Education Management
熟练 Email List Generation
熟练 Excellent IT Skills
熟练 Excellent Leadership and Negotiation Skills
熟练 Excellent Presentation Skills
熟练 Excellent Reporting Writing Skills
熟练 Excellent Writing Skills
熟练 Familiarity With Publishing Protocols
熟练 Field Asset Management
熟练 Finance Administration
熟练 Finance Management
熟练 Fiscal Impact Analysis
熟练 Fluent in English
熟练 FP
熟练 Gender Equality
熟练 Good Communication Skills
熟练 Good Coordination Skills


熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 英语

Faraz 联系人

Abdul Raheem Mahar
Sindh Rural Partner Organization SRPO
Gul Pir Muneer
Green Crescent Trust
Noman Khan
Diakonie - Katastrophenhilfe (DKH)
Noman Khan
Diakonie - Katastrophenhilfe (DKH)