ZNS Global Access Pvt. Ltd.
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ZNS Global Access Pvt. Ltd.

ZNS Global Access likes to present itself as a technology marketing company operating in media and automation space. After years of experimenting and accomplishing milestones, we are confident that our body of knowledge is not readily available in Pakistan.

ZNS | Global Access helps industry leaders build great brands by creating engaging experiences for consumers wherever they live in the digital world, ranging from Surface screens to blogs. We believe the future of marketing is not about recycling TV spots or placing screaming billboards at expensive sites. Marketing is all about harnessing the social and immersive nature of digital to build memorable experiences with consumers and empowering those consumers to share your brand with each other.

Our clients put digital at the core of their ability to improve, even transform, their businesses. To help our clients, we apply offerings that encompass digital advertising, website design, search, email, analytics, and social media, among other capabilities. Increasingly,

ZNS | Global Access advising marketers on Social Influence Marketing, our approach for employing social media and social influencers to achieve the marketing and business needs of an organization.


Interaction Design
Consumer Interaction
1-2-1 Engagements
Trade Relations
Technology Architecture & integration
Loyalty Network Design
Emerging Media
Social Influence Marketing
Interactive Outdoors