The Will Power welfare society
25 关注者

The Will Power welfare society

This is the statement of the results of an Inquiry under Act 1860.
The Will Power Welfare society (the Charity) was registered as a Charity on 1999. Its object can be summarized as the advancement of education and the relief of the aged, sick, handicapped and poor and such other charitable purposes as the Trustees may with the approval of the Charity Commissioners resolve.

WPWS is working towards achieving the following objectives for the benefit of its target group the poor, socially and economically deprived people.
To concertize and create awareness among the people of poorest of the poor on prevailing socio-economic situation and encourage them for active participation in socio-economic development program.
To undertake suitable projects and programs with special emphasis on Primary Health Care/Family Planning & Family Welfare/ Comprehensive Rural Development/Preservation of environment.
To undertake skill development training programs for women society on handicraft, handloom, horticulture, pisciculture, and livestock and assist them by giving them short term loan for creating sources of income by themselves.
To assist deserving poor people by means of giving them short term loan for creating income generating.
To train up required number of volunteers on Family Health Care, Traditional Birth attendants and Functional Education etc.
To establish manageable Training Center for Community Development Training for various level of people.
To print or publish periodical magazines, books, pamphlets, leaflets or booklets that the WPWS may considered desirable or helpful in the promotion of its objects.
To co-operate and assist in suitable joint venture with the governmental Organizations and agencies seeking the goal of redressing poverty and improving health status of common people or relief and rehabilitation at the time of any disaster.
To plan and execute Development, Relief and Rehabilitation programs within the terms of objects of the WPWS.
To all such other things as are necessary or conducive to attainment of the objects of the WPWS.
Women empowerment organizing, mobilizing, developing capacity and skills and creating provision of inclusion in decision making process in family and community enabling them to become economically and socially independent.
Ensure cost effective community-based affordable and easy access health service especially for women and children (Primary health, antennal and postnatal).
Protection and preservation of culture, language and tradition of tribal indigenous people.
Mission Statement:
To serve as an institute for human development by promoting culture of peace, tolerance and elimination of poverty through participatory actions of the people. Besides their services the main object of the organization is to provide a place for the empowerment of