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Square63, currently a small start-up firm located in Lahore, Pakistan, offers Internet and Web-related services to small & medium sized businesses all over the world. The services we offer include website development and design, hosting, maintenance, marketing, and analysis. Our team is proficient in several technologies which include Ruby on Rails, PHP and mobile application development for iPhone, Blackberry and Nokia. We specialize in Content Management Systems namely Drupal, Joomla & Word press. Given our experience and expertise in both commercial Web Development and Business-to-Business sales, we believe we can offer services to small business owners that are unique and far superior to what is currently available in the market. The demand and growth rate for Web Development and marketing services in the business market is at an all time high and shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. What is astonishing is that very few Web Development companies have taken advantage of this opportunity, which is evident by the lack of any dominant firm in this lucrative market. We believe the reason for this virtually untapped market is the high project costs. Today, the highest profit margins in Web Development are in servicing large and medium-sized corporations. By using futuristic & modern SDLC processes like Agile Development & Extreme programming, we are able to reduce project costs dramatically and will offer the same high-end Web Development services as those of the larger companies but at a much lower cost.