Spin Beverages and Food Company
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Spin Beverages and Food Company

Spin water is established under the umbrella of Spin Beverages and Food Company in Pakistan, owned by Shabbir Saghir Private Limited. Our water quality meeting all the international and national standards like W.H.O, EPA, PSQCA AND PCSIR etc.

In nature; water is purified through cycles of evaporation, condensation and filtration. Spin models its water-purification process on nature's own wisdom. Our water is purified to the highest industry standards using reverse osmosis to remove the harmful contaminants that are found in drinking water. We inject a specially formulated blend of minerals (calcium chloride, magnesium sulfate, and sodium bicarbonate) that provide an ultra-clean taste with a silky finish, and then hygienically packed on totally automatic plant for final consumption. Spin is free of impurities and is 100% safe.
Our motto is Enjoy the sweet taste of Purity!