Social and Education Development Association - Pakistan
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Social and Education Development Association - Pakistan

Social & Educational Development Association (SEDA) Pakistan is a non-profit, non-religious Voluntary Social Welfare Agency established in 2006 by a group of university students in Takht-Bhai Mardan, North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan, and registered with the Department of Social Welfare and Women Development Government of NWFP under Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration & Control) ordinance 1961 (XLVI of 1961). SEDA's mission is to bring innovative ideas and smart changes at local level by enhancing the capacities of civil society to work for sustainable peace in the country and channelizing local resources for local people to actively participate in governmental policy-making process.

Our Mission: To Provide:

An effective social safety system for the disadvantages and marginalized group
Better facilities and services to the poor segment of the society to improve their life style to access to food security, drinking water, better health, quality education and to protect their rights and dignity and alleviate extreme poverty by using local skills and practical field experience with the help of innovative technologies to support the sustainable developments projects at grass roots level by enhancing women capacities and to participate them in a way to work for the development of the society.

SEDA-PAKISTAN mission is simple. We invest in women development process as powerful agents for positive change. We envision girls becoming educated and healthy, raising fewer and healthier, and bringing more income and happiness to their families and this ending the poverty cycle. We see a world change by Girls, One Girl, One Family, One Community, One Nation of a Time. Though our mission is simple, the issues are not to adolescent girl faces intertwined soul and economic barriers that can easily derail her life path. Home chares prevent her from attending primary school. Early marriage and childbirth come between her and secondary school. A lack of income renders her vulnerable to different discussions and violence as a young woman. Her passage into womanhood can be marked by an irreversible lack of health, opportunity and security. We belief her life can be different. Our focus is to keep girls on the course of learning toward a goal of financial empowerment for her, her family and her future community. We believe girls, who successfully navigate these transactions will not only improve their lives and those of their brothers and future sons, but inspire newly valued daughters for generation to come.

You Partnership will reflect this thinking and inspiration. Each is driven from lessons we learned through our observations and work an advocacy research and on the ground projects. Though this work we have identified investment gaps in the area we believe to be full of potentials.

Our Vision:
SEDA-PAKISTAN vision is to create a justifiable society by eliminating social discriminations and improving the lifestyle of a common man by eliminating extreme poverty and hunger, access to soft drinking water, better health, quality education and to protect their rights and dignity through awareness raising at grass roots level, to create educational and skill base opportunity by enhancing women capacities in the rural areas of the country for a positive change.
Access of SEDA PAKISTAN is to the multi-sector of the society in order to protect and promote the rights, authority and dignity of the community through economic, social, educational and democratic development by awareness rising, capacity buildings and civil society strengthening for conflict resolution.
By empowering local community to make their own choices, to speak out on their own behalf and to build greater understanding and strength in the decision-making to actually influence such decisions and advocacy and mobilization for participation of young men and women to achieve social transformation & develop abilities to articulate their needs and interest, to perform, to resolve the problems, to take action & responsibilities for sustainable development of the country.

Our Objectives:
The SEDA objectives in to increase public awareness about community development, focus on development issues and cooperations with local, national and international organizations for the sustainable development of the country, to channelize the resources for social infrastructure, awareness creations and to support the Government of Pakistan and UN Millennium Development Goals to reduce the poverty & improve primary education in the area.
SEDA is working for the peace creation and gender equality to bring development and prosperity with the help of community supporter, Government Agencies and International Partners.