Shape Globe
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Shape Globe

Shape Globe, a rapidly growing agency in the field of Information Technology, established in 2013 and has been built around a team of very proficient and poised IT professionals delivering world class services in the field of application development and web marketing.
We Design and Develop internationally, providing our customers with service through our state-of-the-art marketing methods.
We specialize and passionately provide web design, web strategy, web development, marketing and SEO services.
Our clients range from profit to non-profit, small businesses to large Fortune 500 companies, and regional to international firms. All from different walks of life and industries who seek to enhance their online presence through high-end design and development.

We got extremely lucky here! We have a team of 15 professionals on board who are the best, the most talented, proficient and experienced and who proved their mettle of expertise in domains of SEO, SEM, Web designing and development, internet marketing and iPhone, Android and Windows app development. Shape Globe believes in the supremacy of merit and therefore harnesses a competitive working atmosphere for all its professionals. These professionals are made to participate in rigorous training sessions to advance the level of excellence of skills. The passion that the Team holds for their profession, works as a catalyst in the process of churning out solutions and services by using some of the most productive technologies in the world.