Media Clicks (Pvt.) Limited
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Media Clicks (Pvt.) Limited

We are an award winning ONE STOP STUDIO SHOP based in Islamabad with solutions designed to cater your social marketing and awareness needs. In short we emphasize on the promotion of your organization’s social vision.

We call it your CPR .

Your Corporate Political Responsibility.

We also emphasize on human endeavors that is why we specialize in human stories. We create awareness campaigns with your target audience on sight and your budget in mind.

We are not just all talk but a SECP registered member Chamber of Commerce Islamabad. We have been selected out of a hundred and twenty firms from across the globe to produce visual communication services for MILE, the Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Knowledge Economic City Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

We also provide Voice of America Urdu with Infotainment and Edutainment video news releases for their current programming in Pakistan. We recently received an award for best program productions by VOA Urdu Service and American Broadcast Association based in Washington DC.