Kingcrete Builders
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Kingcrete Builders

Kingcrete Builders is a medium sized Construction Company having varied experience in all major fields of civil engineering and associated electrical works. The Company was established in 1976, with a team of skilled engineers whose experience reflects the capability and potential of the organization. This company has the distinction of successfully completing over 100 projects to the entire satisfaction of the clients.

Kingcrete is well experienced in planning and construction of housing colonies, hangers, high rise buildings, roads, bridges, jetties, marine works, pipeline works, and squash court complexes. It also has a work force to execute fine details of intricate interior designs. Its experience in mobilizing, deploying, and executing contracts in difficult areas is not shared by many. It is the only company in the country that has experience in rehabilitation of bridges. By virtue of having an in-house design cell, Kingcrete also has the experience and capability of delivering projects on a turnkey basis.