DHA Valley Society (Pvt) Ltd.

DHA Valley Society (Pvt) Ltd.

DHA VALLEY PROFILE: The beliefs, legends, and myths of human civilizations have almost universally acknowledged the existence of a "Golden Age," an age when human beings lived in peace and harmony and joy. In Western civilization, the "Golden Age" has been represented by the allegory of the Garden of DHA. Humanity craves a return to those idyllic days--whether they literally existed at one time or not doesn't matter. Whether it's possible to create--or recreate--those days also doesn't matter. To strive for the ideal is what matters. The Garden of DHA was a time of innocence. But it was an innocence born of naivety. Young children are beautiful because of their innocence, but the time must come when young children grow up. Sometimes we feel like our whole lives are an effort to recapture the innocence we enjoyed in youth. The craving to "return to the Garden" is a craving for lost innocence and the joy that can arise from that. But we must all grow up. Growing up causes us to lose out natural innocence, but growing up also teaches us to be knowledgeable and wise. This is why we had to "leave the Garden." Innocence born of ignorance is a limited thing. A person who can mature and learn and experience both good and evil, then deliberately and consciously choose innocence, is a person who is truly free and joyful.rnOur slogan is: INNOCENCE THROUGH CHOICE, NOT IGNORANCE. Then The DHA Valley Society may be for you. Come join us and help us build such a society. There is no money to earn here. There is no power over others to accrue. We will not tolerate those who wish to prey upon their fellow human beings. The only motivation that makes sense in The DHA valley Society is love for one another.
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