Mr. Ashok Kumar have over 19 years of experience in humanitarian, recovery and development programme in complex and volatile contexts including Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Ukraine, South Sudan, and Pakistan by working with different organizations including Norwegian Refugee Council, Action Against Hunger (ACF-International), Action Aid, UN-HABITAT, Church World Service, Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum, Caritas, Participatory Village Development Programme, Indus Consortium, and Thardeep Rural Development Programme.
Throughout his career Ashok has contributed and gained experiences technical expertise in food assistance and livelihoods emergency responses, nutrisition sensitive value chain nd programme developments, market analysis and market based programming, cash-based interventions, food security and livelihoods context analysis, proposals and budgets development, response and implementation strategies, capacity building of staff/community and partners, coordination and partnership building with key stakeholders, and monitoring and evaluations of the programme.
Apart from relief and rehabilitation work Ashok has been contributing as a trainer for Food Security Assessments, Participatory Vulnerability Analysis, Community Mobilization, and Community Based Disaster Risk Management.
Strategic Planning/ strategy development Programme Development Program/Project Management Budget Management Partnership and Consortium Management Participatory Planning FSL Assessments Coordination Capacity Building Community Based Disaster Risk Management Cash Transfer Programming Behavior Change Communication Monitoring and Documentation.
The purpose of the position, is to manage NRC’s Livelihood and Food Security (LFS) programme and teams.Responsibilities1. Line management for Livelihoods and Food Security projects staff2. Development and contribute to the strategy, technical SOPs / guidelines and Macro LFAs3. Responsible of development of funding proposal, project budgets and donor reports4 Coordinate and manage projects implementation (activities, budget and project documentation) in line with proposals, strategies and donor requirements.5. Ensure capacity building of projects staff and transfer key skills.6. Liaise and collaborate with relevant local and national stakeholders, and represent NRC in relevant forums / cluster / working groups.7. Implement technical direction and ensure high technical quality of projects8. Ensure that projects target beneficiaries most in need of protection, explore and asses new andbetter ways to assist9. Promote the rights of IDPs/returnees in line with the advocacy strategy
The purpose of the position is to lead the livelihoods and food security programme for Syria Response Offie programme to put in place a comprehensive FSL approach aligned with the Syria Resilience consortium's objectives and to lay the foundation for expansion of the FSL portfolio within the area of intervention.
The position plays dual role as LFS PM as well as Area Coordinator for Syria Resilience Consortium to lead coordination among all 6 consortium members including NRC, IRC, Mercy Corps, Humanity & Inclusion, DRC, and CARE.
The position is responsible to: 1. Contribute to the development of livelihoods strategy and based upon relevant assessments and stakeholder analyses2. Develop technical guidance on livelihood programming, from basic tools to SOPs and guidelines essential to quality programming3. Develop training materials, organize workshops and conduct training targeting NRC and partner staff4. Contribute to and manage relationships with other organisations involved in the Syria Resilience Consortium, and/or donors, as requested. Develop funding proposal, budgets and reports5. Follow up on compliance with contractual commitments within CC, ensure high technical quality and synergies in project implementation6. Ensure that key learning are extracted from the programme implementation, and incorporate them in further actions and staff development processes, in line with NRC policies, guidance and procedures7. Represent NRC in relevant external and internal coordination platforms and forums, including with national authorities and donors
Purpose of the position is to lead the entire country programme of Food Security and Livelihood in Iraq
Position is responsible for strategy development, design and lead assessments in displacement as well as liberated areas to develop programs, guide FSL Programme Manager in Technical as well as implementation point of view, coordinate with stakeholders for joint ventures, fund raising, and representation to position Action Against Hunger in different forums and platforms (clusters, working groups, advisory groups etc).
Position is responsible to capture achievements and lessons learned for future programming, support in recruitment/career development of inter / national FSL staff and carry out relevant technical training.
The FSL Expert is responsible for overseeing the planning and implementation of all FSL grants in South Sudan.
The FSL Expert was responsible for overseeing the planning, implementation, technical guidance and management & budget follow-ups of all FSL grants in South Sudan.
The FSL Expert is the technical referent for FSL Programme Managers, the FSL country strategy and FSL sector adherence to sectorial standards and guidelines.
Provide technical support (direct and at a distance) to the FSL staff in field;
Alert the Deputy Country Director and the Technical Advisor at headquarters to all major difficulties encountered in applying recommendations and/or necessary adaptations;
Ensure accurate and timely reporting As technical referent for FSL programme in South Sudan,
Lead the development of the FSL strategy and proposals in South Sudan based on identified needs.
The FSL Expert is the line manager of FSL personnel.
Ensure the active participation of Action Against Hunger in national sectoral coordination and technical forums and develop sectoral partnerships Liaising with key actors in FSL sectors at national level (authorities, ministries and UN organizations) in order to secure Action Against Hunger's place as a recognized and influential actor in the field.
FSL Coordinator/BCC Coordinator was responsible for developing strategies, support fundraising, provide technical oversight, capture achievements and lessons learned for future programming, represent department/ organization, lead on behavior change communication and community mobilization activities across mission, support in recruitment/career development of inter / national FSL staff and carry out relevant technical training.
The position is responsible for the overall implementation including strategic planning, financial management and external relations in the project area.
The position was based at one of biggest base of ACF in Pakistan with 43 FSL team members to be managed by the position. The position remained as Acting Field Coordinator for 3-4 times during the period to manage all programmes. Due to the excellent performance the chance was given to apply at country’s department head position FSL Coordinator and succeeded to get it.
Indus Consortium is an umbrella of 3 national NGOs working in Sindh and Punjab in the area of Food Security & Livelihood, Climate change, and Water Governance. The position was responsible to lead the Climate Change Program at National level. The program is funded by OXFAM.
The position was responsible for overall management of the base including programme management, finance, administration, security, logistics, and coordination besides lead in implementation of DEC and AusAid funded projects on Recovery and Rehabilitation for flood affected communities. Agriculture inputs for cereal and vegetable crops, Cash for Work, training, Shelter, WASH, Women and Child Friendly Spaces, CBDRM, BCC and advocacy were major themes of the projects.
Position was responsible to guide UN-HABITAT field staff, and partners in 8 districts of Pakistan, with 5 field offices.
Main thematic areas were guidance to field teams for situation analysis, development of BCC and Social Mobilization strategy, guidelines for community groups formation, beneficiaries targeting, registration of community groups under societies act, review and approval of proposals and Community Action Plan, training of partner organizations and field teams on Behavior Change Communication and project management, conflict resolution, Sphere, HAP, CBDRM, record keeping, and social audits.
The activities included: Cash For Work, WASH, Shelter, Community Physical Infrastructure schemes, implementation of Behavior Change Communication and capacity building of partners as well as community.
It was first historical heavy flood response in 2010 in Pakistan. The position was to lead FSL programme and was mainly on addressing emergency food security and livelihood interventions included with market assessments, situation analysis, areas and beneficiaries targeting, Complementary Food Voucher, Food Assistance/Distribution, Small Cash Grants, and Cash for Work, reporting, monitoring, baselines, endlines, capacity building, mobilization, coordination with stakeholders including Government, UN, and CSOs.
Position was responsible to lead the capacity building component of the organization. Partnership development, capacity assessment of partners, development and implementation of capacity building plan. Training on HAP, Sphere, Do No Harm, Theater and other tools for change, and course on Action Research was also designed and implemented by this position.
Main thematic areas were “Organization Development and Advocacy”. Local organisations were trained on OD and Advocacy.
The main role of this position was to develop the Humanitarian program in order to respond to the disasters in Sindh. This position was also a focal person for OXFAM lead contingency planning on disasters for Pakistan. 5 major projects were designed for Sindh and they were funded by OXFAM GB, OXFAM-Novib, Trocaire, and Planning & Development Commission of Pakistan.
Distribution of Agri inputs, establishment of Shelters and WASH related activities were main areas of the role of the job. Project was funded by CONCERN.
The position was responsible to lead the project department and to oversee all projects being implemented in various areas. Donor reporting, coordination and development of new proposals were main roles of the position.
The position was based under newly established Emergency Unit. Seed banks, CFW, restocking, livestock medication, fodder distribution, Droughts assessments and response (subsidized wheat distribution) and establishment of contingency stocks in UCs were main areas of intervention.