
An experienced individual of Balochistan of development sector particularly 07 years in education under projects/programs of UNDP Pakistan, the Government of Balochistan/Pakistan, The World Bank, The European Union (EU), Development in Literacy, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNESCO with the collaboration of BRSP, Society in Education and Social Mobilization, Social Safeguards, Social Cohesion, Stakeholder Engagement.

Similarly, involved in the preparations, developments and implementations of strategies, documents and instruments for the planned projects activities in lined with organizational policies and procedures including, stakeholders/citizen engagements, effective communication, focus group discussions, and orientation of communities for the projects of Balochistan.

Since 2017 to date, working as a Social Safeguard Specialist (SSS) in the Project Management Unit (PMU) of the Balochistan Integrated Water Resource Management and Development Project (BIWRMDP) of GoB and World Bank, and implementing the Social Safeguards component of the project. This 110-million project have been implemented in two river basins of Balochistan namely, the Nari and Porali River Basins. Under the overall guidance and supervision of World Bank, implemented by the Irrigation Department Government of Balochistan with the collaboration of Agriculture (OFWM), Forest, Public Health Engineering Department, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) along with District Administrations and other stakeholders departments. For technical assistance services are hired from the national Consulting Firms of Pakistan, IUCN, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Pakistan for the purpose.

In addition, the following competencies are built during the implementation of different programs/projects

1. nurture, lead, and Manage People Effectively
2. demonstrate self-awareness and ethical Awareness
3. work collaboratively with others without any hesitation
4. build and maintain partnerships with IPs and other involved agencies
5. Based on the acquired knowledge I can innovate and embrace change effectively
6. Based on the acquired knowledge from cultural norms and values of Balochistan/Pakistan I can perform, thinks, and acts strategically
7. Drive to achieve impactful results
8. In safeguards, leading and implementing the Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) of the project in Balochistan as per the policies of WB and GoB. Therefore, can easily manage the ambiguity and complexity of the project.
9. capacity building of the stakeholders and communities on different themetic areas required to project.
10. monitoring of activities and report writing
11. organization and participation in the review meetings and its writing minutes of the meetings


Refugee Affected and Hosting Areas Programme of UNDP & EU
Baluchistan Community Development Programme of EU
Baluchistan Integrated Water Resource Management and Develoment Project


کمپنی کا لوگو
Social Safeguard Specialist
BIWRMD project of World Bank
اپریل ۲۰۱۷ - موجودہ | Quetta, Pakistan

کمپنی کا لوگو
Deputy Manager Human & Institutional Development (HID)
Balochistan Community Development Programme of EU
جولائی ۲۰۱۴ - مئی ۲۰۱۷ | Quetta, Pakistan

Aa a senior staff supervised/implemented three tier Social Mobilization strategy i.e. Human and Institutional Development of BRSP in Balochistan under EU funded program BCDP, and provided technical oversight and guidance as part of the RSPs communication efforts with special focus on Balochistan and other areas of persistent transmission and poverty reduction. Under the oversight of high ups of BRSP and RSPN, responsible for conceptualizing, supporting and monitoring/assessing the implementation of activities focused on ensuring poor ones from high risk communities are at a reduced risk from poverty. This included the identification and mentoring of districts, and union councils partnerships, providing technical advice to districts and union councils teams on results based planned activities, liaising directly with prominent leaders from communities, and managing districts programme staff and other financial resources related to the strategy.
The overall objective was “to support the Government of Pakistan in alleviating poverty through community-driven development approach”. Key indicators to the overall objectives were an increased level of satisfaction of the poor in accessing social services, enhanced in decision-making at community and government level, increased participation of communities in planning and managing public sector resources at local levels. Technical support of districts staff in management, monitoring of core activities.
Achievements: under HID strategy initiated in all districts of Baluchistan and formed 2857 Community Institutions (COs/VOs/LSOs) and developed the capacities of their office bearers through prescribed manuals i.e. CMST & LMST. These community institutions developed in four districts of Balochistan such as, Khuzdar, Jhal Magsi, Loralai and Zhob where in total 270,000 male and female targeted beneficiaries supported and involved in the development process through VDPs and UCDPs.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Social Cohesion Coordinator under RAHA Project of UNDP
Refugee Affected and Hosting Areas Programme (RAHA-UNDP)
اکتوبر ۲۰۰۹ - جولائی ۲۰۱۴ | Quetta, Pakistan

The project was implemented by the UNDP Pakistan with the financial assistance of European Union (EU) of 45 Million Euros for four years and ten million Government of Japan for one year. Project was implemented by UNDP with collaboration of EAD and P&DD Government of Pakistan/Balochistan with partnership of Commissioner Afghan Refugee and UN system. Being Social Cohesion Coordinator I was overall responsible for program activities with five expected results at the regional level comprising three districts of Balochistan i.e. Quetta, Pishin and Killa Abdullah Districts with 13 targeted Union Councils. The expected results were; 1). Enhanced Social Cohesion, 2). develop alternative livelihoods for both men and women stimulating the local economy through skills training, business development and trade, 3). investing in basic services to address immediate and urgent needs with a special focus on the needs of women and vulnerable groups through infrastructure development (CPIs), 4). Social Protection and 5). Environment. Capacity building of staff, Government staff, Elected representatives and office bearers of communities in thematic areas like, CMST, LMST, skills development trainings, financial and administrative management, political management, coordination with stakeholders. Total 564 Community Institutions formulated (COs+VOs+LSOs) and developed 94 Village Development Plans. 350 Community Physical Infrastructure Schemes (CPIs) completed through these community organizations. Their regular mentoring and monitoring visits apart of course of action. Regular trainings for the 800 office bearers on CMST and LMST imparted including 150 Health & Hygiene sessions, 300 O&M trainings, 500 livelihood skills trainings for 2400 youth and individuals organized and imparted. A cadre of 35 professional human resource along with 15 local NGOs were identified, trained and used their services in these community based interventions.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Assistant Manager Social Mobilization
Food Security & Productivity Enhancement Programme of Pakistan
اکتوبر ۲۰۰۸ - ستمبر ۲۰۰۹ | Quetta, Pakistan

Under Food Security and Productivity Enhancement Program (CMP-II) funded by Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MINFAL) Government of Pakistan, with the technical assistance of Rural Support Programme Network (RSPN) Islamabad, played managerial role and supervises total 102 staff in four targeted districts of Balochistan i.e. Pishin, Killa Saifullah, Jaffarabad and Khuzdar. Social Mobilization was cross cutting of the program by ensuring financial administrative management, political management and involved stakeholders were key results. The program was designed for the small farmers of 120 selected villages having maximum 5 acres of lands and envisaged that 480 Farmers Associations (7200 small farmers) to be formed and federated in 120 VOs. Once done, they would be involved in provision of agriculture assets and Micro credits through Revolving Funds to support these small farmers. Envisaged that food items would be increased and secured, the Agriculture Department Government of Balochistan take lead after completion of BRSP part to ensure sustainability of the program. Developed capacities of staff, communities and Agriculture Department on thematic areas was responsibly of BRSP. Total 480 FAs and 120 VOs were formed and registered under Cooperative Societies Act-125 and involved 7200 small farmers in the program interventions. The capacities of 1600 office bearers, staff and representatives of Agriculture Department on CMST and Micro Finance Management (MFM) developed. Stakeholders like, Provincial Government, National Bank of Pakistan, Agriculture Department, Cooperative Societies, Political Leaders and district administrations were involved in the program. This project was successfully implemented in four targeted districts such as, Pishin, Killa Saifullah, Khuzdar and Jaffarabad and handed over to Agriculture Department Government of Balochistan.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Chief Social Organizer under Prime Minister Special Initiative for Livestock Project of MINFAL
Baluchistan Rural Support Programme
ستمبر ۲۰۰۷ - ستمبر ۲۰۰۸ | Pishin, Pakistan

As Chief Social Organizer (CSO) and head of Social Mobilization at district level, worked under Prime Minster Special Initiative for Livestock (PMSIL) Project funded by MINFAL Government of Pakistan implemented by BRSP. Supervised more than 90 staff members in almost 42 targeted Union Councils of district Pishin by ensuring program implementation in the field by forming Community Organizations and Village Organizations, capacity buildings of communities and staff, financial administrative management, involvements of stakeholders in the planned program activities and coordination with line departments etc were key areas of the program. Mentoring, technical backstopping of staff and regular monitoring of activities were the part of the course of action. Successfully implemented PMSIL Project in whole district (42 UCs) by establishment of different five Field Units (FUs). During the course of action 550 COs and 150 VOs formed and federated including establishments of 10 livestock clinics. Identified, select, trained and Involved 50 Community Livestock Extension Workers (CLEWs) in the field to facilitate livestock farmers by reducing risks of animal deaths through different diseases. In particular Community Management Skill Training (CMSTs) organized and imparted for the 1100 men and women activists. 13 Female Livestock Trainings (FLTs) for the 250 women folks successfully achieved. Organized and facilitated Livestock Mobile camps in remote areas of Pishin District including remote areas of Toba Kakari, Churmian and Ajram areas where large numbers of animal vaccinated and their risks of death reduced.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Trainer Consultant under Decentralization Support Program
Decentralization Support Programme
اکتوبر ۲۰۰٦ - جنوری ۲۰۰۷ | Quetta, Pakistan

Government of Balochistan received a grant from Asian Development Bank (ADB) to train the districts, tehsils and UCs council’s members (Nazims, Naib Nazims and their Councillors) on their role and responsibilities assigned to them in the Local Government Ordinance 2001. After selection as Consultant in a ToT organized by Decentralization Support Program Government of Balochistan under financial assistance of Asian Development Bank (ADB) more than 12 trainings imparted to the districts, tehsils councils members (Nazims and Naib Nazims) on their given assigned responsibilities under Local Government Ordinance 2001. Total 525 elected members of six districts of Balochistan such as, Kalat, Khuzdar, Lasbella, Awaran, Turbat and Panjgoor were trained and reported. During the assignment District Coordination Officers. Elected representatives and their other official staff were involved in the activities and provided supports to DSP team in organizing the successful events and appreciated.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Senior Social Organizer
Community Girls Middle School Project of SCSPEB
جون ۲۰۰۳ - جنوری ۲۰۰٦ | Quetta, Pakistan

A project of Community Girls Middle Schools (Establishment of 10 CGMSs) funded by Development in Literacy (DIL) Pakistan implemented by SCSPEB in three districts of Balochistan namely Mastung, Pishin and Ziarat. The project was initiated with the support of Education Department Government of Balochistan and local communities. The main activities were baseline surveys in the existing primary potential schools for identification of fifth passed school girls, situation analysis for selection of potential sites for the middle schooling, formed of clusters, developed social maps, formation, revitalization of Parents Teachers School Management Committees (PTSMCs) and federated them into Education Councils (ECs) at cluster level, developed capacities new recruited teachers and committees, regular meetings with District and Tehsil government officials, community awareness raising workshops, provided reading writing materials, enrollment campaigns for dropout and non-school going girls and regular monitoring of schools were key tasks of the project. Total 10 Middle schools established and converted into high schools by covering approximately 67 existing government primary schools in all three focused districts. In these schools, 45 teachers were appointed on different cadres through representatives of education department. During the establishment process 67 PTSMCs were trained on their role and responsibilities, supervised teacher training programmes for the newly selected teachers and their class room support on the curriculums and co-curricular activities. Provided reading writing material, established school buildings with the support of committees, enrolment and awareness raising campaigns, seminars, workshops and child to child approach to increase enrolment of girls were main key tasks achieved during the period Total 750 girls enrolled in the initial stage which were increased up to 1500 out of schools girls.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Researcherer for Fiscal Decentralization in Secondary Education of Balochistan
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
دسمبر ۲۰۰۲ - مئی ۲۰۰۳ | Quetta, Pakistan

A two months field research study on the decentralization of fiscal flow in education sector specifically for girls’ education was launched by SCSPEB with the financial support of World Bank. In this regard, Pishin district was selected for the said research study; which was based on the key findings of processes of decentralization for fiscal flow of budgets from province to districts, tehsils, union councils and villages where primary to high level schools were existing; interviewed the provincial authorities, district administrations and education department, concerned authorities of tehsils and union councils and communities.
Achievements: in first step 7% (10 to 25) primary, middle and high schools of Pishin district were selected for the research study where district administration, education, finance, revenue department, political parties, and MPAs were interviewed in the study. The research was initiated from the grass root level where concerned communities, parents, teachers’ school management committees gradually focussed at union councils and district level. Total 25 meeting at each level held and comprehensive report (Narrative + statistical) produced and shared with the concerned authorities.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Senior Social Organizer
UNICEF United Nations
ستمبر ۲۰۰۲ - دسمبر ۲۰۰۲ | Quetta, Pakistan

A project of Education Department Government of Balochistan with financial assistance of UNICEF was implemented in 2000 namely Increasing Primary Schools Participation for Girls Education in Balochistan (IPSPGEB). Supervised more than 10 field staff members at district level and involved them in overall social mobilization activities i.e. identification of new potential sites for the community girls schools, identification and selection of teachers, formulation of PTSMCs, develop capacity of office bearers, provide reading writing materials to schools, regular follow up and monitoring visits to schools, control dropout, seminars, workshops, meetings with district authorities etc were key features of the actions. In the period developed more than 50 girls’ primary schools in the remote areas of Pishin district and appointed 80 primary teachers through prescribed criteria. During the development of girls primary schools 50 PTSMCs formed and trained them on their role and responsibilities. However, supervised mentor training programmes for the newly selected teachers and their class room support on the curriculum were also carried out.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Master Trainer under Afghan Refugee Education Project
United Nations High Commision for Refugees (UNHCR)
نومبر ۲۰۰۱ - اگست ۲۰۰۲ | Quetta, Pakistan

Afghan Refugee Education Project implemented by SCSPEB with the financial assistance of UNHCR in Mohammad Khail and Latif Abad Refugee Camps of Panjpai District Quetta. In this regard 90 teachers were appointed in schools and approximately 3000 girls and boys were enrolled in two shifts of schools (morning & evening) and their reading & writing material along with all necessary items were provided on humanitarian basis by the SCSPEB. As a Master Trainer, total 45 trainings were imparted for more than 300 members of parents and sectoral committees formed for the refugees’ education project schools.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Master Trainer Citizen Community Board Project
Society for community Support for Primary Education in Balochistan
مئی ۲۰۰۱ - اگست ۲۰۰۱ | Quetta, Pakistan

As a Master TrainerTeam Leader of Citizen Community Borads (CCBs) formations project through trainings were assigned by the Devolution Trust for Community Empowerment (DTCE) Islamabad with the support implementation of SCSPEB for all UCs of Zhob and Sherani districts. During the course of action the team were supervised to impart training for the Districts Administration such as district authorities, district, tehsil and UCs Nazims and their councilors to involve them in the formations of CCBs in the villages and UCs. Total 28 training were imparted to the UC members (21 Zhob and 07 Sherani) where more than 465 elected members were trained on the given authority of CCBs in the Local Government Ordinance 2001. Keeping in view that these training were imparted at UC, tehsil and district level.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Senior Social Organizer under PTSMCs Project of Government of Baluchistan
Sociaty for Community Support for Primary Education in Balochistan
دسمبر ۲۰۰۰ - مئی ۲۰۰۱ | Quetta, Pakistan

PTSMCs Formation Project was implemented in District Killa Abdullah, Quetta Pishin. The main tasks were develop coordination with district administration particularly with the Executive District Officers, District Officers, and Districts Coordination Officers of Government of Balochistan who were supposed to involved in the project activities. The main tasks were formation, reactivation and restructuring of PTSMCs in the existing government schools of the focused districts as far as training of committees on their role and responsibilities, pillow making, book binding, increase enrollments of boys and girls in the schools, control drop out by involving at least 75% parents in the village meeting, promote girls education in the areas and provide theoretical support for the betterment of their schools. Sessions on development of productive linkages among communities, NGOs, INGOs Government line departments to provide support for their schools as far as conduct district level seminar workshops for the stakeholders were key features of the project. Cumulatively 12 coordination meetings were held with Executive District Education Officers (EDEOs), District Education Officers (DEOs), and Districts Coordination Officers (DCOs), 350 Parents Teachers Schools Managements Committees (PTSMCs) were formed, reactivated restructured in the existing government girls and boys schools i.e. primary, middle and high schools. 55 Training of Committees (1100 members) were imparted on the role and responsibilities, pillow making and book binding, increase enrollments and control drop, developed productive linkages among communities, NGOs, INGOs, Government line departments; conducted a district level seminar workshop in Killa Abdullah at CHaman with 500 participants including, DCO, Commandment FC Chaman, MPAs, MNAs, Local tribal Leaders, Teachers, Parents, Students and media representatives.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Community Education Promoter under Community Support Process of World Bank
Society for Community Support for Primary Education In Baluchistan.
اپریل ۱۹۹۸ - نومبر ۱۹۹۹ | Quetta, Pakistan

A World Bank funded project namely Community Support Process was initiated in all districts of Balochistan. One of the team members at divisional level I was overall responsible to conduct orientation workshops and seminars at districts, tehsils and union council levels, held observational survey of the villages for the identification and selection of potential sites for new primary girls schooling with the support of local communities, identification and selection of potential candidates as teachers, formation of Village Education Committees (VECs), build their capacities on their role and responsibilities, hold coordination meetings with education officersofficials to seek their support for the process, community meetings (Male Female) to generate support for promoting girls education in Balochistan, regular monitoring visits to the already established girls schools, record keeping and file maintenance at community level, supervise progress reviews meetings with management. During the course of action worked in different districts of Balochistan such as, Quetta, Pishin, Ziarat, Kila Abdullah, Kalat, Mastung, Noshki, Kharan, Awaran, Bella, Sibi, and Khuzdar. During the course of action worked in different districts of Balochistan such as, Quetta, Pishin, Ziarat, Kila Abdullah, Kalat, Mastung, Noshki, Kharan, Awaran, Bella, Sibi, and Khuzdar. Consequently, 180 primary community girls schools were established where Village Education Committees were formed and involved to enroll 1500 parents in the schools management system. Imparted trainings to these committees on their role and responsibilities through 1st, 2nd and 3rd phases trainings as far as developed effective coordination with officers of Education Department Government of Balochistan to provide regular support to schools and project intervention. 180 newly established girls primary schools with 5000 girls enrolled in the schools and provided opportunities to children & parents at their door step.


University of Balochistan
بیچلرز, , Bachelors of Education‎
Education Elementary
درجہ B+
University of Balochistan
ماسٹرز, , Sociology‎
فی صد 56%

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Experience in project management
متوسط Understanding of Microfinance
ماہر planning and budgeting
ماہر planning and budgeting skills
ماہر 4 Knowledge of Taxation
ماہر Accounts Administration
ماہر basic knowledge of Livelihoods sector
ماہر Clear & precise drafting skills
ماہر Concept Based Teaching
ماہر Consolidated Financial Statements
ماہر Cooordination Skills
ماہر Coordination Skilla
ماہر Database Clustering
ماہر Hiring Team Building
ماہر knowledge and experience of working with
متوسط Knowledge of CLTS/PATS Plus approach
ماہر Knowledge of donor rules and regulations
ماہر Knowledge of logical framework
ماہر Knowledge of Research and Assessment Studies
ماہر Leading Diverse Teams
ماہر Logical thinking & analysis
ماہر Pulic Dealing
ماہر Record Keeping
ماہر Report Writing Skills
ماہر Seeds Knowledge
ماہر Social mobilization, Cohesion Safeguards
ماہر Talent and
ماہر Training and capacity building programs
ماہر Understanding of Logical Framework
ماہر Working in complex enviornment


ماہر انگریزی
ماہر اردو
ماہر پشتو

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں

Arif آپکے جاننے والے

Imran Sattar
Naubahar Bottling Company (Pvt) Ltd-PEPSI
Sarwar Khan
Accountancy Learning Academy Peshawar.
Tahir Tareen Tareen
Punjab Social Protection Authority
spika manufacturing ltd