
A creative mind, enthusiastic, energetic and motivated leader having extensive experience of development sector especially in Management, Training Development, Monitoring Evaluation, Child Rights, Women Empowerment and System Policy. Having rich experience of Consultancies in Material Development, Training, Surveys, Analysis, Monitoring and Report Writing.


کمپنی کا لوگو
Freelance Consultant
Self Employed
ستمبر ۲۰۱۵ - موجودہ | Peshawar, Pakistan

کمپنی کا لوگو
Education Training Specialist
جنوری ۲۰۱۵ - ستمبر ۲۰۱۵ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Technical support in Teachers Training at primary level.
Material development for training
Liaison and coordination with all stakeholders including govt. Departments.
Plan the training sessions and supervise coordinators in planning and budgeting.
Monitor and evaluate training and report.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Professionals Development Officer PRP
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
ستمبر ۲۰۱۳ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۴ | Peshawar, Pakistan

Key Role: Coordinated with Education Department to plan In-Service, Pre-Service and Scholarship activities. Arranged Training, Workshop and Meeting events of Component-I. Assisted in development of Training Modules. Reviewed reports MoVs, filed them in hard & soft and online in PRP database.
Helped in Annual Work Planning of 2013-14 for training related activities.
Developed material (Manuals, Handouts, and Schedules) of English Language Quality.
Developed plan for the training of 500 primary school teachers.
Developed plan for ToTs of Master Trainers and Facilitators in TIGs for TTIs and Elementary College Instructors.
Worked as acting Material Development and Reading Manager.
Worked as acting Scholarships Manager.
Worked as acting Teachers Training Coordinator.

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Training Coordinator
Chip Training and Consulting Pvt Ltd.
اپریل ۲۰۱۳ - جون ۲۰۱۳ | Shangla, Pakistan

Key Role: Coordinated with District and Divisional Election Commission Officer, District Retaining Officer and other government departments for nomination and training. Training Plan developed and implemented the training. Reported the training to head office.
 Strengthened coordination with DROs and DEC of district Shangla.
 Planed training events for 2100 Presiding Officers, Assistant Presiding Officers and Polling Officers.
 Trained 2100 Presiding Officers, Assistant Presiding Officers and Polling Officers.
 Organized all logistics and other essential arrangements for the training events.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Mobilization & Training Officer
Save the Children
اکتوبر ۲۰۱۰ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۲ | Saidu sharif, Pakistan

Key Role: Coordinated with Education Department to plan Training events for teachers. Initiated and planed workshops for Education Officials, Mobilization & Advocacy Events and Enrollment activities. Supervised School Improvement Plans and Inclusive Education Assessment. Planed Self Help Initiatives. Reported and documented all activities in hard and soft.
 Assessed and identified teachers for Graduation Plan.
 TNA held for the targeted teachers in capacity of their trainings.
 Planned Teachers Graduation Plan for 1100 teachers in 3 districts (Swat, Dir & Shangla).
 Material Developed (Manuals, Schedules & Handouts) for Teachers Graduation Plan.
 Assessed PTCs/SMCs Maturity.
 Held TNA with PTCs/SMCs.
 Planned SMCs/PTCs training events.
 Material Developed (Manuals, Schedules & Handouts) for PTCs/SMCs Maturity Plan.
 Trained 1800 PTCs/SMCs.
 Arranged and supervised Science Mela (Exhibition) among 150 schools in district Swat.
 Prepared activities Album representing all interventions held in Swat, Dir & Shangla.
 Guided 400 teachers during Model Lessons and Lesson Plans collected for record.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator
دسمبر ۲۰۰۹ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۰ | Saidu sharif, Pakistan

Key Role: Coordinated with Education and other organizations to develop DIPs and Matrixes. Monitored all the process of WFP package distribution in targeted area of Schools in Swat. Reported daily, weekly and monthly progress of the activities.
 Prepared monitoring plans for field level activities.
 Visited field and monitored more than 800 schools in district Swat, Bunner, Dir (L), Shangla and Malakand Agency.
 Technical support provided to the field staff regarding the project activities.
 Identified gaps and immediate support provided to the program staff at field level and in office.
 Represented HUJRA and UN-WFP and FAO in the field.
 Conducted periodically and final evaluation of the projects of UN-WFP and UN-FAO.
 Submitted the activities progress daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly and final reports to Head Office.

کمپنی کا لوگو
English Language Teacher
Iqra Academy Swat Campus
اکتوبر ۲۰۰۷ - اکتوبر ۲۰۰۸ | Swatmingora, Pakistan

Key Role: Dealt with the students at classroom level taught English as Secondary Language. Supervised curricular and co-curricular activities of the school. Coordinated with education department, BISE Saidu Sharif Swat regarding students’ registration in examination of SSC and HSSC. Responsible for internal examinations of the school & college sections.
 Prepared English Lesson plans / Lectures of text book board KP, Pakistan.
 Prepared English Language practical lessons/classes for the students.
 Held general assessment for (SLO) Student Learning Outcome.
 Prepared examination English papers according to the BISE pattern and taken exam.
 Engaged the students in different Curricular and Co-curricular activities.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Khushal Public School & College
جنوری ۲۰۰٦ - ستمبر ۲۰۰۷ | Swatmingora, Pakistan

Key Role: Dealt with the school & college financial, maintenance and public & private affairs. Supervised curricular and co-curricular activities of the school & college. Coordinated with education department, BISE Saidu Sharif Swat regarding students’ registration in examination of SSC and HSSC. Responsible for internal examinations of the school & college sections.
 Dealt with parents, guardians in admissions and other essential information of the students.
 Supervised clerical staff of admission committee, finance and examination committee and building infrastructure.
 Developed Syllabus, Activities Schedule and Annual School Development Plan.
 Held general assessment for (SLO) Student Learning Outcome.
 Prepared examination English papers according to the BISE pattern and taken exam.
 Engaged the students in different Curricular and Co-curricular activities.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Child Rights & Gender Advisor
World Human Rights Commission
جنوری ۲۰۰۱ - دسمبر ۲۰۰٦ | Saidu sharif, Pakistan

Key Role: Coordinated with line departments to assess the distress children and women in KP. Awareness workshops and seminars supervised. Provided legal aid to the distress children and women.
 Coordinated with INGO/NGO and Government line departments.
 Coordinated with Humanitarian Embassies for legal aid.
 Coordinated with lawyers at local areas of the case anywhere in KP.
 Provided legal aid to the distress women & children in Jails and in the community.
 Provided of skills and education to the distressed women & children in KP.
 Arranged awareness campaigns, walks, seminars, awareness and capacity building workshops and documentaries for women & children rights in KP.
 Reported via Newsletters to all concerned government and Non-government departments.


University of Swat
ماسٹرز, , M.Ed.‎
BTE Peshawar
ڈپلوما, Diploma in Information Technology‎
Information Technology
University of Malakand
ماسٹرز, , Masters in Arts‎
English Language, linguistics & Literature

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Academic Researching
ماہر Child Abuse Protection
ماہر Classroom Assessment
ماہر Classroom Management
ماہر Concept Notes & Proposals Writing
ماہر conflict analysis
ماہر Conflict Management
ماہر Cooordination Skills
ماہر Curriculum Assessment
ماہر Curriculum Innovation
ماہر Curriculum Mapping
ماہر Curriculum Writing
ماہر Education Advocacy
ماہر Emergency First Response Instructor
ماہر Emergent Curriculum
ماہر Handling Assignments
ماہر Inspection Implementation
ماہر Instructional Production
ماہر Management of multi-disciplinary teams
ماہر Manuals Development for Training
ماہر Monitoring & Evaluation
ماہر Multi-Cultural Team Management
ماہر Policy Making
ماہر Programme Implementation Planning
ماہر Project Team Management
ماہر Quality Control Processes Command
ماہر Report Writing Skills
ماہر Reporting Writing
ماہر Skills in writing and editing scientific
ماہر Stategic Planning
ماہر Training & Development
ماہر Vape Knowledge


ماہر اردو
ماہر انگریزی
ماہر پشتو

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں

Riaz آپکے جاننے والے

Saba Kanwel
Capital Brand Technologies
Sammer - Shahid
Intellect School
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Concern Worldwide Pakistan