Welt Konnect

Welt Konnect

We are uniquely engineered to excel and cater to the diverse and ever changing needs of the Energy Sector of Pakistan. With a highly professional, experienced and talented team, along with our invaluable foreign associates Tittmann Solar GmbH; one of the leading Photovoltais Company of Germany and Chinese Electrical Equipment Group; the largest manufacturers of China, we are ready to take on any challenge. WELT KONNECTS Approach towards providing services to its clients is to modify and enhance photovoltaic systems through technological advancement; designing through latest simulation and mathematical techniques, and to protect by mutual trust and confidentiality the business of its clients. The carefully balanced combination of knowledge of the local conditions, the innovative approach to Solar Energy Technology and the invaluable experience of WK's entire team network; ranging from Ex-PCRET (Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technology) professionals to engineers from top universities of Pakistan including Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, enhances WK's capabilities to effectively manage and meet the standard of its clients. WK provides customized solutions to meet the energy requirements of Private Houses, Street, Garden & Highway lights, Telecom Towers, Commercial Buildings & Offices. By adherence to stringent ethical codes as well as the use of creative methods in services WK is capable of optimally satisfying the needs of its clients. In today's world access to Energy whether it be Electrical or Thermal is no longer a privilege but has become a basic necessity of life and as natives of the 21st century it is our duty to facilitate the provision of energy to the people of Pakistan to bring them at par with citizens of other developed countries in terms of access to Renewable Energy. We aim to achieve and support this cause by rendering our innovative and cost effective services with utmost vigor and enthusiasm to our customers across Pakistan.

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