TechnoTonix bringing the best quality & service to Pharmaceutical/Industrial laboratories & manufacturers/suppliers to make more accurate diagnostic & processing decisions within Pakistan, with major focus towards delivering inventive technology, creative solutions, and competent dynamic service to clients.

TechnoTonix is Importing & Distributing “Anything & Everything” related to laboratories and manufacturing industries Testing Equipment, Glassware, Chemicals, Engineering, Scientific & Medical Instruments, Process and Agrochemical Chemical, Foods & Beverages, Juice and Dairy, Paints & Printing, Paper & Board, Textile & Polyester Fiber, Cosmetics & Pharmacy, Engineering & Packaging for teaching & training purposes. We represents many world renowned manufacturer / supplier companies around the globe. Eg: UK, USA, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Japan & China. When it comes to buying laboratory equipment, whether for Education, manufacturing concern or a University labs, quality must be of utmost importance in order to ensure that results are reliable and end products are of equally high standards.

TechnoTonix also offer unmatched after-sales service on all products sold, directly from our local office and with the direct support of our principles.

It is our belief that all our efforts and achievements are subject to the will of Almighty Allah! Aahamdulleh-e-Taala..
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