Islam Medical College

Islam Medical College

Islam Medical College Campus (IMC) is located 3 kms from Sialkot on the historic road to Pasrur and comprises the Islam Medical College, Islam Teaching Hospital (ITH). Islam Teaching Hospital is the primary teaching affiliate of Islam Medical College along with Islam Central Hospital located on the commissioner road in the heart of city.

IMC’s MBBS program is designed to train students with the clinical skills and knowledge for providing modern healthcare. The PMDC curriculum is taught in an innovative format, integrating interactive and traditional lecture style classes with small group discussion, problem based learning, seminars and laboratory exercises. We emphasize on self-directed learning and teamwork. Patient contact is introduced in the early months of the first-year curriculum and the formal clinical training of the third, fourth and final year students offers broad-based preparation for post-graduate training in the full range of disciplines that comprise modern medicine. A major emphasis is Global Health and many students will prefer clinical or research international electives.
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