• Safely operate light transport vehicles, including cars, vans, or small trucks, to transport passengers, goods, or materials to designated locations.
  • Plan efficient routes to reach destinations on time while considering factors such as traffic conditions, road closures, and weather conditions.
  • Load and unload goods or materials from the vehicle, ensuring proper handling and securing of cargo to prevent damage or accidents.
  • Conduct routine inspections of the vehicle before and after each trip to ensure it is in good working condition. This includes checking tire pressure, fluid levels, brakes, lights, and other essential components.
  • Adhere to traffic laws, regulations, and company policies to ensure the safety of passengers, cargo, and other road users. This includes wearing seatbelts, obeying speed limits, and avoiding distracted driving.
  • Maintain accurate records of vehicle inspections, mileage, fuel consumption, and trip logs. Ensure all necessary paperwork, such as driver's license, vehicle registration, insurance, and permits, are up-to-date and carried while driving.
  • Be prepared to respond calmly and effectively to emergencies such as accidents, breakdowns, or medical incidents. This may include administering basic first aid, contacting emergency services, or assisting passengers to safety.

Job Details

Total Positions:
2 Posts
Job Shift:
First Shift (Day)
Job Type:
Job Location:
Minimum Education:
Career Level:
Experienced Professional
Minimum Experience:
3 Years
Apply Before:
May 26, 2024
Posting Date:
Apr 25, 2024

Forward Group

Manufacturing · 2501-3000 employees - Sialkot

Forward Group is a consumer driven, design oriented and an Innovative Company, aiming to work with coherence of renowned global Brands, organizations and entrepreneurs, translating marketing and business goals into design strategy, novelty and to attain a new product success. 26 year of innovation - the past, the present and the future Forward Sports Private Limited is one of the few companies in Sialkot industry that can trace it's history back in 26 years. Forward is family owned manufacturing and exporting business concern of footballs, volley balls, rugby balls, beech balls, sala balls, medicine balls, bags etc. The third generation of the family has entered the field of international trade bringing together the established business and family values, experience and skills coupled with pertinent business education, knowledge and expertise. The Past - history of product innovation We would like to take you to the corridors of rich business history of Forward Sports Private Limited and its management, which has the privilege of creating and introducing new spirit and techniques of doing the business that became source of guidance in Sialkot for small and large scale industries of sports goods since 1988 to this day.

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