The Technical Resource Facility (TRF) has been established in support of the National Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Programme of Pakistan government. The TRF is funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and Australian Aid Agency (Aus AID), to provide technical assistance over the next five years to the National MNCH Programme, which is also receiving substantial sector budget support from DFID. The scope of TA will also include other health programmes that have a focus on MNCH issues and contribute towards the achievement of Millennium Development Goals Four and Five. In the near future the mandate of TRF is expected to grow to include support to the broader health sector. The purpose of the technical assistance is to build sustained capabilities in Pakistan health system for effective implementation of policies and programmes, thereby improving people access to quality health care services especially of poor and marginalized. The TRF will focus its support on improvements in policy, strategies and systems and help to build the capacity of government functionaries at federal, provincial and district levels by providing strategic technical assistance. The assistance to the Programme is being guided by the MNCH Policy and Strategic Framework. Subsequently, support will be provided to other health sector programmes to help them meet their targets and achieve the objectives of forthcoming National Health Policy
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