Pakistan Foudation for the Advancement of Engg & Technology

Pakistan Foudation for the Advancement of Engg & Technology

We are non-profit oriented Organization for the welfare of community.

PFAET exists to enable the Pacific extended family of NGOs to more effectively promote and advance the interest and well being of their people. More specifically, PFAET is a network
of Pacific NGOs, existing to facilitate communication; provide a common voice at regional and international forums; and assist NGOs to strengthen and develop Pacific identities,
unity, cultures and forms of social action, as well as to improve the well being of the communities they serve.

PFAET goals are to:

- Facilitate active networking among NGO's at all levels throughout the region.
- Promote and enable access to, sharing and dissemination of information, ideas, experience and resources (including human resources) among NGOs throughout the region.
- Enable NGOs to better understand, fulfill and develop their roles and functions, and strengthen their organization and program capacities.
- Assist in identifying, monitoring and analyzing the needs of people in the Pacific, and ways of increasing the role of the people of the Pacific in their own development, with
emphasis on Pacific women and youth.
- Provide a means for a collective voice and action on issues of concern to NGOs and the people they serve
- Play an active role in promoting a regional Pacific identity and Pacific ways of thinking and responding.
- Cooperate with other networks and organizations within or beyond the region which have similar aims.
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