Pahel Pakistan

Pahel Pakistan

PAHEL is a non-government, not for profit, non-religious/faith, non-sectarian organization. In 2009 AD, it was established by a group of senior male and female human rights activists consist on educationists, doctors, legal experts, technocrats, dynamic entrepreneurs, enthusiastic students and effervescent youth and it was registered under the Societies Act 1860.

The group believed in a Chinese proverb that “A journey of thousand miles must begin with first step” Hence an initiative for social movement in the society was taken by the group and founded an association called PAHEL (PAHEL is an Urdu word that means an initiative)

PAHEL was formed the advocacy of upraised and helpless women, to up lift their social standard equal to the male, provide basic health facilities without any discrimination of caste and creed, take practicable measures for the protection of environment and provide a healthy environment to the upcoming generation & to literate society, keeping in view that a literate mother can prove the best mother for up bringing their children that why focus women literacy on priority.

PAHEL believes in the poverty alleviation of marginalized and excluded masses through inclusive approach and providing them equal and preferably priority to build their capacity and develop their skills, provide micro-financing to the skilled hands to establish their source of livelihoods and income generation activities.

PAHEL has emerged as a leading right based organization in Northern Sindh. It is not only striving hard for the protection and promotion of human rights in region but also echoing the unheard voices.
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