Interwood Mobel (Pvt.) Ltd.

Interwood Mobel (Pvt.) Ltd.

Interwood is a BRAND and a lifestyle which is affordable, aesthetically pleasing, durable and comparable in quality and workmanship to the best in the world.

Interwood Mobel (Pvt.) Ltd. strives to become a world-class manufacturer of furniture, kitchens, doors etc. We are committed to a constant improvement in the designs, systems and quality of our products. Our goal is to give the customer best value for money. Our earnest endeavor is to upgrade the skill, the knowledge and the standards of living of all employees to international standards.

Our quality policy is to make products up to the highest international standards and at the best price quality ratio.

The Safety Policy of Interwood Mobel (Pvt.) Ltd. is designed to comply with the Health and Safety Standards, and to endeavor to maintain a safe and injury/illness free workplace.

Compliance with the following Safety Policy is mandatory for all employees of Interwood Mobel (Pvt.) Ltd. The authorization and responsibility for enforcement has been given primarily to the General Manager (Systems).

It is company policy that accident prevention be a prime concern of all employees. This includes the safety and well being of our employees, subcontractors, and customers, as well as the prevention of wasteful, inefficient operations, and damage to property and equipment.

This Safety Policy applies to all employees of Interwood Mobel (Pvt.) Ltd. regardless of position within the company. The Safety Rules apply to all subcontractors and anyone who is on a company project site. Every employee is expected to comply with the Safety Policy, and health & safety standards.

The company management is committed to protect the environment in accordance with national environmental quality standards (NEQS).

The environmental policy and procedures are applicable company wide. All staff members are trained in order to create awareness related to environmental aspects and their impact. The environmental policy is on display at appropriate locations throughout the company.

The environment policy is defined to safeguard the interest of the stake holders including employees, management, suppliers, customers, banks and Insurance companies.
No. of Employees
Operating Since