
I am a passionate and hardworking person in life who loves to do all his tasks and works up to the level of perfection whether professional or personal. A passionate professional who loves to do this job without getting tired or feeling hectic because following your passion does not allow you to feel tired or relax at any moment in the life especially when your passion is your profession.
Chemical Engineering is not just mere a professional degree for me but also a passion a passion flowing through my body through my blood , even at sometime when I do not want to do work or completes my tasks which is completely natural as it is human behavior but the force which drives me along with my passion is my commitment along with the passion of life.
I am a team fellow and appreciates where different individuals with different mindsets and different abilities coordinate with each other and from this coordination one gets the maximum out of it as each and every mind is precious because every different mind has different ideas and new innovative creative ideas in fact.
Many of the people are highly skilled individuals in their fields but their lack of coordination ends up no where and went all in vain, last but not the least is my desire to work with highly professional and experienced group of individuals as i want to learn maximum form them and facilitate them with my creative and innovative ideas so that difficult nuts could be cracked in an optimum and facilitated way this could only happen in a way when one experienced mind and one new and creative mind coordinates with each other and creates a healthy environment which actually proves fruitful for organization!!


Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Propane to prepare Propylene


University of Engineering & Technology
学士, Bachelors in Engineering, B.Sc‎
CGPA 2.6/4
中级/A级, 理学院(工程预科), F.Sc Pre-Engineering‎
Pre Engineering
所占比重 74%
Cambridge University
大学入学/0级, 等级O, O Level‎
Pre Engineering
所占比重 73%


中级 Adaptive
中级 Agile Scrum Testing
中级 Analysis of Information
中级 Analytic Thinking
中级 Analytical Skills
初学者 Aspen Plus
中级 Collections Handling
中级 Conservation Awareness
中级 Documentation
中级 Good Learner
中级 Handling Assignments
中级 Intelligent
中级 Knowledge of Spreadsheets
中级 MATLAB Command
中级 Oracle Knwoledge
中级 Polymer Composites Knowledge
中级 Project Design
中级 Rapid Learner
中级 RESTful APIs
中级 Xray Equipment Maintenance


熟练 英语
中级 乌尔都语