
I have been fascinated by creative ideas that arise out of deep involvement and single minded pursuit in a particular subject and then consequential discoveries and applications. My purpose in writing this essay is to impress upon you my very carefully considered professionals, as well as personal, reasons for applying to Morocco Scholarship program to conceive you of my likely superior future value to the field in Civil Engineering. During my undergraduate study in Bachelor of Engineering in Quaid-e-Awam university of Engineering and science and technology, Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan have been able to utilize my analytical and problem solving skills to achieve top grades in challenging courses like (Hydraulics, Geotechnical, Steel structures and fluid mechanics etc.) My dedication and hard work have helped me to maintain the aggregate of 80.05% with 3.26 CGPA in my undergraduate.
I am a graduate in Bachelors of Engineering in Civil technology. After completing my graduation I need to gain more managerial skills because everybody wants to grow and reach a particular destination. I have excelled in academics at every step in my education. Throughout twelve years of schooling I have always been ranked among the top of my class. My undergraduate record is consistent through all the semesters, though I was more interested in some of the course and their practical applications. My undergraduate courses and project have given me plenty of exposure to these areas and I feel that I have sufficient motivation and aptitude to work in this field of (Civil Engineering). I already have experienced and knowledge gained from working on earlier teams, in this very field that I want to pursue further. I know the satisfaction and pride that these past achievements have given me and also the desire to produce additional advances. As completing thesis in water resource management with practical work. Now I would like to further extend my knowledge and pursue a field work.
Wajid Ali


Drainage and Sewerage line


Dec 2013 - Jan 1970 | Hyderabad, Pakistan


Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering Science & Technology
大学入学/0级, 科学, INERMEDIATE‎
所占比重 80%
中级/A级, , Civil engineering‎
Public School Hyderabad
中级/A级, , Intermediate.‎


熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 英语