
I'm working in a manufacturing industry. But I'm eggar to learn new things and I'm trying to go into a new ways new fields.


Accounts Officer
Safina foods private limited
Apr 2019 - 代表 | Lahore, Pakistan

Making GRN, Purchase invoices, Bank Reconciliation, Parties Reconciliation, Sales Invoices,Making reports, Excel Reports

Accounts Officer
New Shalimar Steel Industries Pvt Ltd
Feb 2018 - Mar 2019 | Lahore, Pakistan

Very good for learning learned many things such a greatfull experience.


University of the Punjab
学士, 贸易学士, B.Com‎
Finance and Banking, Accounting
CGPA 3.3/4
Subhan Academy Of Arts
中级/A级, 贸易学学生, I.Com‎
Accounting, English
所占比重 79%
City Foundation High School
大学入学/0级, 科学, Matric in Science‎
biology, chemistry, physics
所占比重 58%


中级 Accounting
初学者 Accounting Consultancy
初学者 Accounts Administration
中级 Accounts Adminstration
中级 Accounts Consulting
初学者 Accounts Finalization
中级 Accounts Management
中级 Accounts Payments Handling
中级 Accounts Production
中级 Accounts Software Command
中级 Aesthetic Procedures Knowledge
中级 Bank Reconciliation on
中级 Bookkeeping
中级 Cooordination Skills
中级 Data Miniing
中级 ERP Implementations
中级 Excel
中级 Funds Management
初学者 Handling Assignments
初学者 Import and Export
中级 Network Security Administration
中级 Official Tasks Handling
中级 Oral Communication Skills
中级 PPC Command
中级 Receivable Management
中级 Reporting
中级 Risk Management
初学者 Service
中级 Structural Draft
初学者 Tax Accounting
中级 Team Player
初学者 Transaction Management
中级 Utility Bills Management
中级 Warranty Quality Assurance Process


初学者 英语