I am computer software engineering graduate from University of Central Punjab and have extensive experience in the field of game development. I have done several online projects related to database development. I have the capability of accomplishing any game development project and I always understand fully about the client's requirements, and choose the best way to produce high quality in fast speed. I am Expert in OOP and design patterns too. I have a strong grip on C#. Besides C# I worked in C++ and Python too.
Recently I have completed Amal Fellowship Program in which I was learning some professional skills like teamwork, effective communication(both verbal and non verbal), problem solving, leadership and time management.
Career-Prep Fellow: Education startup funded by Stanford University that teaches professional skills to students and corporations.
Communication: Completed a competitive written application and interview process to be selected from over 2500 applicants for intensive 3-month Fellowship funded by Stanford University
Skills development: Investing 150 hours in order to develop business skills (e.g. communication, teamwork, leadership, problem solving etc.) that will help me to make a deeper impact on job.
Job Consultancy Organization working for referring employees to International English Call Centers for selling their products to international clients.
Recruited and referred candidates to call centers on the basis of their communication
skills and convincing power.
Decision Making: Interviewed at least 60+ candidates on daily basis
Projects:“Super Doctor Car Parking”, animal hunting games and shooting games.
Packages:Invector Third Person Controller, RCC controller, First Person Shooter.
Team Work: Coordinating with team which involved 4 members involved GUI Designer, Google play game description writer and SQA.
Projects:“Car Parking Free Adventure”, “School Bus Highway Simulator”, “Police Bus Uphill Driver” and “Water Surfing Motorbike Adventure”.
Designed 5 games from scratch
Upgraded and fixed bugs from 13 already existing games.