
Hi I am a blogger by passion but I needs some investment to make my passion a profession due to which I am ready to write for others, you can watch my projects on https://onlupdates.blogspot.com and https://officialadvertisementsolutions.WordPress.com no matter what you think after reading domain names but the problem is that I don't have investment yet. But when it comes to the job I will choose SEO because my Blog played a great role in SEO while I know about all social media sites I guarantee that you may not know until yet but I worked on following social media for my Blog, personal and tesing purpose.
1. Facebook (both)
2. Instagram (blog)
3. Twitter (blog)
4. Linkdin (both)
5. Google+(Both)
6. Pinterest(blog)
7.Flickr (blog)
8. Youtube (blog)
9. Vimeo (blog)
9. Whatsapp(both)
10. Viber(personnal)
11. IMO (personnal)
12. VINE (tested)
13. DIGG (tested)
14. reddit (blog)
15. Quora (both)
16. Null-byte #wonder-hot-to (blog)
17. Wikipedia (blog)
18. Monkey Chat #new (blog)

They are tons of more Social Sites which maybe or may not be I know but those whom I can remember are these. actuall, I worked on them to bring audience on my blog and from most of them like wikipedia, youtube, Flickr I got good backlinks.


Digital Updates


Business Owner
Sep 2017 - 代表 | Karachi, Pakistan

I am the OWNER, Advertiser, Writer, Creator, SEO manager, etc of Digital Updates https://onlupdates.blogspot.com


大学入学/0级, , ‎
Govt.National College
中级/A级, , ‎


初学者 Advertiser
初学者 Content Developmemt
初学者 Digital Marketing Analysis
初学者 Vape Knowledge


熟练 英语
熟练 乌尔都语