Microsoft Office
Arc. GIS 10.510.2
Erdas Imagine 14
Database and Structured Query Language
Can design and update database, applying additional knowledge of spatial data visualisation
Java Programming
Use of Internet to Achieve Goals
Can generates maps and graphs, using GIS software and related equipment
Can collect, analyze, and integrate spatial data using GIS
Network analyst tool.
New Route.
New Service Area.
New Closest Facility.
New OD Cost Matrix.
New Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP).
New Location-Allocation.
Create DEM.
Skills in Google Earth.
Image classification.
Digitizing and vector Rectification.
Main goal is survey property units in urban area of jhang city with cooptation of excise and taxation department
Digitization on Google map images
Image interpretation
Analyze Google image
Using topology to remove errors
Finally a shape file is created