
Sir, I am CA Finalist and an experienced professional. I have experience (from 2011 to present) in field of statutory audits, internal audits and Management and Tax book keeping.
My practical experience include three and half years of article ship in Chartered Accountant Firm. I have run departments in CA firm, Consultancy Firm and Industry (Textile Sector). My major areas of expertise are statutory audits, Development of Internal controls, Accounting and Book keeping Services.
I am proficient in reporting and analyzing financial information especially financial statements.
I have sufficient grip in using Microsoft Office especially Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word.
Soft wares I have used are Fox Pro, Oracle, Integrated Oracle (ERP), Quick books & SMAP


Manager Audit
Kamal Hosiery Mills
Jan 2018 - 代表 | Faisalabad, Pakistan

My job description is managing Financial Audit department

Accounts And Finance Manager
MI Sports
Oct 2015 - Nov 2017 | Faisalabad, Pakistan

I provided my services in an organization named MI Sports. MI Sports is a Manufacturer and Exporter of Socks. I am performing as an Accounts and Finance Manager here as well. My job description includes;
1. Forcing compliance with the entity's internal control standard operating procedures and reporting any variations to the Managing Partner.
2. From preparation of purchase orders, processing of purchase and sales invoices, data assortment, data posting in the soft ware, data management, file maintenance & tracking of documents, all these activities are under my supervision.
3. Preparation of Bank reconciliation, cash reconciliation, Export schedule, Projected Bank ledger, Receivables due report, Payable due report & Sales tax register (Input & Output).
4. Coordination in the filing of sales tax returns and income tax return.
5. Communication with income and sales tax consultants.
6. Liaison with banks regarding routine business transactions,
7. Monthly payroll processing and distribution of salary.
8. Working regarding quarterly closing of books, finalization of trail balance at the end of quarter and preparation of current receivable and current payable report at the end of each quarter and year end closing.
9. Preparation of Management Accounts & Coordination in the finalization of Tax Accounts.
10. Ensuring of compliance with the provision of Income tax Ordinance and Sales tax Act regarding withholding tax deductions while making payment.
11. Supervision of monthly stock counts and reconciliation of the stock with inventory management report.

Manager Assurance
Sami & Co
Aug 2015 - Oct 2015 | Faisalabad, Pakistan

I performed as a manager assurance in Sami & Co. Sami & Co are accounting, business and system consultants. I had to manage diversified assignments as scope of these assignment included Management books, Internal audit and Secretarial matters.

Accounts And Finance Manager
Mubashar Corporation
Jan 2015 - Jul 2015 | Faisalabad, Pakistan

I performed as a Manager Accounts in Mubashar Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. The entity was engaged in the business of Exports and Whole sale of Textile goods, Clothing and Footwear. My Job description included;
1. Reporting to the management about the material issues those needed to fixed.
2. Preparation of Bank reconciliation, cash reconciliation, Export schedule, Projected Bank ledger, Receivables due report, Payable due report. Also included in my duties were documents assortment and files management.
3. I had to review the books, audit the vouchers and get the discrepancies resolved, my role was supervisory in nature.
4. Coordination in the filing of sales tax returns.
5. Communication with income and sales tax consultants.
6. Liaison with banks regarding routine business transactions and opening of company current account with the bank.
7. Processing payroll.
8. Working regarding month end and year end closing.
9. Preparation of Management Accounts.
10. Ensuring of compliance with the provision of Income tax Ordinance and Sales tax Act regarding withholding tax deductions while making payment.
11. I also performed secretarial services like getting licenses issued & renewals.

Financial Reporting Consultant
Zahid Jamil & Co. (Chartered Accountants)
Apr 2011 - Sep 2014 | Faisalabad, Pakistan

I had provided services as a Financial Reporting Consultant in Zahid Jamil & Co. My Job description included;
1. Administration of both tax books and management books.
2. Coordination in finalization of accounts.
3. Coordination in finalization of wealth statements.
4. Interaction and communication with the client.
5. Staff training and staff rotations.
6. Reporting to Directors and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan
证书, CA Inter and CA Finalist‎
Accounts, Taxation, Cost
University of Agriculture
学士, 贸易学士, B-Com‎
Accounts, Taxation, Cost
等级 A
Independent Medical College
中级/A级, 计算机科学学生, ICS‎
Physics, Computer Science, Pure Mathematics
等级 A+
Divisional Public School and College
大学入学/0级, 科学, Matriculation‎
English, Chemistry, Computer
等级 A


熟练 CAD Software and Design Tools
熟练 Electrical Controls Knowledge
熟练 Japanese and Korean Language Proficiency
熟练 Shopify Theme Management
熟练 تخصيص المركبات


熟练 英语
熟练 乌尔都语