
Dear sir 

i have done Bs(cs) computer science from univeristy of sindh with First division "A" grade with percentage of 3.67

and also Done B.com from shah Abbdul Latif uni of Khair pur with "B" grade with the percentage of 3.32 

and also recently done masters in English from Shaheed Benziarabad Univerisrty Nawab shah with percentage of "3.19" 

and i have Experience of "Software Development .Customer Services Call Center.Banking.and Web Designing.

Web Development.Adobe Photo Shop.Ms office .Ms excel. Motivation to Clients :" and this time sir /Mam i am Needy 

for the job . 

I have work with MDK www.mdkjapan.com Japan As "Regional Manager."

I have work Axact www.axact.com As "Senior Business Devlopment Manager" '

I have Work with ICM Japan www.icmjapan.com As "Business Devlopment Manager "

I have work with Ibex GLobal TRG company As Cusotmer support exeuctive:

I have work with Adinnoavtion BTL company as slient service excutiove and then as supervisior 

I have work with Handa Ngos as data Admin .

And i want utilize all skills in your orginzation fot the betterment of company and for my long term future in your orgnization

contact with Phone n.o "923069328232"

contact with Phone n.o "923011232156"



Home secuirty Systm


IT manager.Data Admin.
Ibex Global company .Systems Limed.information technology
Aug 2015 - Jul 2017 | Karachi, Pakistan

Dear Sir /Mam
I am offering my services for the job Senior / Lead Software Developer in your company.
i Have work with (\"ibex global company \")as \"IT\" and As\" Data Admin\" i work with Ibex global more the two years and i work and Generates new software for the beneficent and advantage of company and Data Admin I handle all data dataof company.
i have Also work with for (\"Systems limited company \")for then one year as \"IT\" manager i work and make new web applications and new web sites of all web sites of company.and make new software for the company :and new web browsers : i have also experience of call centers .banking.customer services .marketing:


University of Sindh
学士, 商学士/理学士, BS(cs) computer science‎
Java Enterprise Programming, Dot Net Web Programming, Accounting & Finance
CGPA 3.9/4
University of Sindh
学士, 商学士/理学士, Bs(cs) computer science masters in english‎
Java Enterprise Programming, Accounting, Dot Net Web Programming
CGPA 3.8/4


熟练 IT, SALES ,Marketing


熟练 英语