Working in an organization having an environment feasible for learning, experimenting, where I can challenge my skills and precisely recognize my managerial, intellectual and technical abilities and enhance them further.
Coal Testing, Shoe Sole testing, OH, Acidity, Hardness, Moisture, Equipment Operations, Shift handling, Reporting, Solution preparing, Over all Quality Control of Polyester Polyol and Prepolymer, Chemical and Physical testing.
GallenKamp, Viscometer, Water-bath, Oven, Furnace, Karl Fischer, Hot plate, Stiror,
Shift Handling, Testing,Coal testing, Water testing, Rock Salt testing, Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate testing, Observing, Reporting to Managers and Concerned Department pH meter, Conductivity meter, TDS meter, Calibration,
Observing,Coal testing, Total moisture, Fixed Carbon, Shift Handling, Reporting to ManagerEquipment operating, Furnace, Seive Analyser, Sulphur Analyser, GCV Analyser, NCV, Volatile Matter, Air Dried Loss, Pulverizer,