I'm Muhammad Awais experienced academic with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software and Web development industry. I have more than 3 years experience in software industry and hands-on experience using Adobe Suit, CSS2, CSS3, SASS, LESS, Html, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery. I can also work in Wordpress and any kind of a Wordpress page builder. I have strong design and development concepts, I can write Responsive hand written code (Html5/CSS3) using media queries for Responsive Web Designs compatible with all Major browsers and cross the Devices. I also have expert level experience of using Bootstrap and foundation frameworks, I have knowledge of Web standards and usability. I always keep me busy in exploring new world of front end development in my free times.
My responsiblites are to handle all issues regrading to website's Designs. Coordinate Other Team memebers and Backend developers to solve the issues regarding to desgine. Develope Mobile friendly and fully responcive website design from scratch. Convert PSDs to HTML and Then to Wordpress. Wordpress theme customization and development. Also Learn new techniques and technologies which can be usefull for my growth and aslo for Company's projects
My responsiblites are to handle all issues regrading to website's Designs. Coordinate Backend developers to solve the issues regarding to desgine. Develope Mobile friendly and fully responcive website design from scratch. Convert PSDs to HTML and Then to Wordpress. Wordpress theme customization and development. Generates Dynamic Web form Using Wordpress plugins, PHP and Laravel.
As a web internee i have to learn new tool and technologies and implement them in professional Development