To work with an aim to gain valuable and on experience and professional skills in an organization to provides a challenging learning and development atmosphere.
To succeed in an environment of growth and excellence and earn a job which provides me job Satisfaction and self development and help me achieve personal as well as organization goals.
To excel in my field through hard work, research, skills and perseverance. To serve my parents, and my country with the best of my abilities.
To pursue a highly rewarding career, seeking for a job in challenging and healthy work environment where I can utilize my skills and knowledge efficiently for organizational growth.
Account Opening, Clearing, Remittances,
All Operation related work
Cash Receipts and Payments RemittancesAtm Operations Utility bills collection Account opening Updating Kyc Following AML safty RulesOnline Banking Clearing Management of Cash according to SBP clean Note Policy Cash Reporting according to SBP Format.