
I'm an enthusiastic and high achieving master of computer science with some skills of management as well who has completed Bachelor of Computer Science with 3.33/4 CGPA which is equal to 83.25% and also passed NTS GAT General with 76.73 Persentile Score and attended some workshop to build myself more effective. I've exceptional technical and analytical skills of computer/mobile programming, database management and web designing and development. I enjoy problem solving and for this believe in team efforts. I can grasp any type of programming language in very limited time that's the reason, I am confident that I would be an appreciated and welcome asset to the company. I only need a platform to implement my skills practically and I hope that you will give me the chance for interview for the available position.
Thank you for your time taken today.


Android Based Attendance System
Lovey Timer


Islamia University
学士, 理工学士, Computer Science‎
Computer Science
CGPA 3.3/4
中级/A级, 理学院(工程预科), FSc Pre-Engineering‎
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
所占比重 65%
大学入学/0级, 科学, Matric Science‎
Physics, Chemistry, Biology
所占比重 67%


初学者 Android Management
初学者 ATS Knowledge
初学者 C#
初学者 WP CLI


熟练 乌尔都语
中级 英语