Mobile Application Developer with 6+ Years of development experience with Kotlin, Java, Flutter Google Cloud Services.
Primarily used: Dart, Kotlin, Git, Jira, Sqflite, Providers, State Management, Dio, UED(User Experience Design)
Working on development a product using flutter from various ends along with process improvements.
Responsible for optimizing and resolving high-priority issues in Android and Flutter.
Communication with stakeholders and support teams for clarifying requirements.
Build and maintain operationally viable solutions throughout its life cycle.
A continuous delivery infrastructure on the cloud.
Primarily used: Kotlin, XML, Google clould services, Firebase services, Restful Api's, Jetpack components, Huawei cloud services, MVVM, VIPER, Git, Agile
Shipped mobile applications for different clients.
Planning, architecture design, and developing application requirements and actively taking part in client interaction.
Architecture design and developed a solution using a scalable approcah and managed to build an app that contains multiple flavours.
Primiraly Used: Java, Kotlin, 3rd Party API's including PayPal, BrainTree, GC, Firebase, Rest
Development of projects and provide support to pervious projects.
My role here is also as Team Lead and to develop applicatons, putting time estimations.
As working with the team it is my resposibilty to intract with team members, effectivly communicate with them so we can achieve our goal and provide collaboration to execute plan.
Primarily Used: Java, XML, Firebase, Rest, Sqlite, External API's
Started working on Android development as an internee and then as a junior developer.
Responsible for development of apps.