To seek employment in an organization of repute, providing valuable learning experience as well as career advancement opportunities.
Recisely defined project goals and developed benchmarks to gauge progress.
Developed comprehensive work plans, describing exactly how the job was to be done.
Ensured client's expectations were met or surpassed at every stage.
Organized and managed 15+ employees.
Leading a team of data operators in Senew Tech to complete projects of our USA clients including Leads Generation.
the companies i have work in completing their projects are:
(1) managing the C.Vs of Applied Candidates in their database. Project duration 1.3 years.
(2) Multiple project. Project Duration 6 months.
My skills
Leads Generation
Linkedin Sales Navigator
Email Extraction
Data Scrapping
Web Searching
Web Scraping
Scraping Software's
and many more projects have been completed successfully.
3 month experience at miniclick studio
Work as a IT Lab assistant in NCBA&E DHA Campus.
Also helping the university with other task as well.
1. Exam Invigilation
2. helping in the Accounts Department
3. helping Administrative Deparment
4. helping in the Admission office for helping them in organizing the applicants form.
3-monts experience in Ernst & young Ford Rhodes (ITRA) Department.