This is Pardeep Kumar Meghwar, I have done my BS 4 year program in Anthropology university of Sindh, I have various experience as much I tried to get, being student of anthropology I am interested in exploring new things regarding culture, religion, as well as human societies' changing, energetic and courageous thinking will help me as well helping me to step up in my career. I have the curiosity to do something, I looking such plate form to perform skills and talent. My aim to be scholar in my own field as well best researcher.
It's also Canadian call center, its campaign it to provide duct cleaning service
responsibilities were customer care executive.
This survey was base on health improving in textile mills. which was conducted by HANDS Pakistan.
Canadian Call Center
It was simple survey regarding health, fundamental rights and other like education and family income etc. it was baseline survey
I voluntarily taught there for 2 years.