
I have done Master in Social Work from the University of Peshawar in 2005. I have working experience with Interactive Research Development (IRD), International Medical Corps as GBV Psycho Social Counselor, UNHCR as Repatriation Assistant Peshawar. I have also working experience with IORD as Project Coordinator Earthquake Emergency Response Project In Dir, ACTED as Team Leader for Dir lower, Dir Upper and District Swat. I have working experience in the developmental sector for more than five years as social Mobilizer, Volunteer Program Assistant, Hygiene Promoter , Project Supervisor, Acting Project Manger with PVDP, UNWFP and Child Protection Officer in World Vision and served IRC as Cash for Work Supervisor. I have also working with NRC as Project Officer-Monitoring in ICLA Project based at Dir.I also delivered training to the Afghan Refugees on Refugee Rights, Protection and also delivered training to the returnees on DRR, Political Parties Act and FCR in FATA. I remained as the Master Trainer with Relief International in District Dir and delivered trainings on Social Mobilization to the Relief International staff and Village Committees successfully.I have strong communication, Management, conflict resolution, Monitoring, presentation,analytical and report writing skills. I am a good team player.


District Coordinator
Interactive Research and Development (IRD)
Jul 2021 - Jan 2023 | Dir, Pakistan

Reporting and coordination with the implementation team on events and challenges.
Coordination with District Management Committee for Mass Drug Administration (MDA) and ensured smooth execution of trainings and drug management during De worming campaign.
Coordinate, organize and facilitate one-to-one meetings with key stakeholders to develop follow-up action plans.
Keeping close collaboration with the District Health office, develop and maintain coordination with District Health Management, such as PPHI, DHO, LHW Program Coordinator, District Pediatrician, Private Sector Providers, Partners, hospitals, and facility staff at district level, communities for project implementation.
Communicate and coordinate with the key stakeholders for organizing training/activities in a timely manner.
Ensure the timely sharing of the work plan/activity calendar with district-level relevant stakeholders.
Organize trainings, awareness sessions and follow-ups with health care providers including LHWs.
Ensure effective and frequent coordination with Deputy Commissioner, DHO and DEOs Male and Female.
Building liaison among the entire stake holder including government offices and line departments at District level.
Keeping strong and effective coordination with the local community, line departments and other channels for sensitization and advocacy.
Maintaining coordination among all the stake holders regarding the program implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Support in administrative, HR and logistic tasks.
Frequently prepare the reports of activities and submitted timely to the line managers.

Social Mobilizer
Community Driven Local Development CDLD)
Feb 2020 - Jun 2021 | Dir, Pakistan

Coordination with community stakeholders, local counterparts, and partners for effective and timely project implementation
Facilitate information and knowledge management.
Plan social mobilization activities in the context of the project log frame and targets set aligned with project work plan.
Provide input in the development of terms of partnership to be signed with the communities for participation in the project activities,
Initiate social mobilization process and facilitate the project communities to organize themselves in shape of community organizations (male and female).
Formation of Community Based Organizations.
Provide input for the preparation of monthly and quarterly progress reports on the field activities highlighting achievements and bottlenecks.
CBO capacity building trainings on social mobilization, management, leadership, record keeping, conflict resolution, Conflict Management and reporting.
Support and coordinate with different implementing partners of government department in carrying out studies, assessments, and trainings.
Support the community organizations to establish their linkages with the local authorities and other development actors to improve the social services in the area.
Collect and provide support in collection of information for base-lines surveys and evaluation or any other required study.
Document success/case stories for the project.
Document the overall social mobilization process, identify issues, and suggest improvements in the process.

District Coordinator
Interactive Research and Development (IRD)
Aug 2019 - Dec 2019 | Dir, Pakistan

Reporting and coordination with the implementation team on events and challenges.
Coordination with District Management Committee for Mass Drug Administration (MDA) and ensured smooth execution of trainings and drug management during De worming campaign.
Coordinate, organize and facilitate one-to-one meetings with key stakeholders to develop follow-up action plans.
Keeping close collaboration with the District Health office, develop and maintain coordination with District Health Management, such as PPHI, DHO, LHW Program Coordinator, District Pediatrician, Private Sector Providers, Partners, hospitals, and facility staff at district level, communities for project implementation.
Communicate and coordinate with the key stakeholders for organizing training/activities in a timely manner.
Ensure the timely sharing of the work plan/activity calendar with district-level relevant stakeholders.
Organize trainings, awareness sessions and follow-ups with health care providers including LHWs.
Ensure effective and frequent coordination with Deputy Commissioner, DHO and DEOs Male and Female.
Building liaison among the entire stake holder including government offices and line departments at District level.
Keeping strong and effective coordination with the local community, line departments and other channels for sensitization and advocacy.
Maintaining coordination among all the stake holders regarding the program implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Support in administrative, HR and logistic tasks.
Frequently prepare the reports of activities and submitted timely to the line managers.

GBV Psycho Social Counselor
International Medical Corps
Dec 2016 - Jun 2017 | Lower Dir, Pakistan

Carry out Consultation with other professionals to discuss therapies, treatments, counseling resources, or techniques, and to share occupational information.
Referring clients to specialists and other institutions/ organizations for non-counseling treatment of problems.
Advise clients on how they could be helped by counseling.
Analyze data such as interview notes, test results, and reference manuals in order to identify symptoms, and to diagnose the nature of clients' problems.
Counselling individuals, groups, or families to help them understand problems, define goals, and develop realistic action plans.
Developing therapeutic and treatment plans based on clients' interests, abilities, and needs.
Evaluate the results of counseling methods to determine the reliability and validity of treatments.
Identification and documenting success stories, best practices and lessons learned.
Facilitating the community to pass their complaints to the management through CBCM in a transparent manner.

Repatriation Assistant
United Nations High Commision for Refugees (UNHCR)
Sep 2016 - Nov 2016 | Peshawar, Pakistan

Assist the office in keep refugees informed on issues concerning voluntary repatriation.
Assist in identifying and registering refugees who have opted for voluntary repatriation.
Maintain harmonious working relations with the implementing partners to facilitate the voluntary repatriation process.
Provide office with weekly/monthly reports, in relation to the registration and movement of repatriates.
Assist in organizing the transportation and reception of returnees if such arrangement is necessary to protect the interests of refugees.
Keep strong liaison with the provincial authorities to obtain information/statistics related to the movements of refugees without UNHCR assistance.

Project Coordinator Emergency Response
Initiative Organization for Rural Development (IORD)
Feb 2016 - May 2016 | Dir, Pakistan

Responsible for overall supervision of the project activities.
Design and execute project work plans to meet the goals and objective of the project.
Identify resources needed and assigning individual responsibilities.
Ensure good coordination with all stakeholders, Civil Military Liaison Office, DCO office, PDMA office, FDMA local administration and local community.
Conduct orientation sessions to build the capacity of staff and orient them regarding the overall objectives and activities of the project as per approved proposal.
Develop Project Plan and consultation with the team, with the assigning of roles and responsibilities against the activities of the project as per approved proposal.
Sharing of communication check list with the staff.
Responsible for planning, ensured its proper implementation at the field level.
Carry out regular monitoring visits to field and provide technical support to field staff.
Developing linkages with other key players working in the field.
Preparation and submitting weekly, monthly and quarterly reports to Head Office.
Provide day to day guidance to project staff.
Provide guidance for the field level activities and facilitate staff for implementation and issues resolution.
Identify opportunities for improvement and make constructive suggestions for change. 
Performing Administration and HR activities throughout the project.

Team Leader TVET
ACTED Pakistan
Oct 2014 - Jan 2016 | Dir, Pakistan

Lead the team in the planning and managing TVET program activities.
Train and monitor community mobilizers performance in terms of social mobilization and stakeholder sensitization.
Carry out and supervision of Market linkages activities of the project.
Ensure the initiatives aimed at changing the market dynamics. Identify, initiate and developed linkages with the identified value chain actors.
Assist the Project Coordinator in program reporting, need assessments, market surveys, PRA, feasibility studies, stakeholder analyses, and community consultations and writing case studies.
Liaise with Governmental and NGOs for support to the project and beneficiaries.
Support the development of agreements and MoUs with TVET centers, CBOs or other Civil society groups.
Elaborate all needs-based inputs and all other activities according to the objectives of the program and the beneficiary involvement strategy of ACTED.
Mobilize and facilitate the community groups in the effective use of the community resources and for the prioritizing of recovery activities according to ACTED sectoral strategic guidelines.
Facilitate the capacity building and establishment setups of representative community committees.
Maintain mainstreaming gender in the project and team building activities maximized beneficiary contribution and ownership for project sustainability and desired impacts.
Support in the development of IEC materials for all project awareness and capacity building of stakeholders.
Liaise with other program staff to ensure regular knowledge and information sharing, lessons learned and capitalization sessions for creating synergies among ACTED programs.
In the absence of Project Coordinator, assume the responsibilities of project coordination.
Regularly monitor expenditure of project financial resources and use of assets as per approved, budgets and agreements & provide regular, structured feedback and monthly reports.

Project Officer Return Monitoring / Protection & Focal Person FATA
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Jul 2011 - Oct 2014 | Lower Dir, Pakistan

Provide beneficiaries with accurate and update information on the legal and administrative assistance available through the ICLA program.
Registering and process administrative requests submitted by NRC beneficiaries;
Review and prepare administrative requests for referral to other organizations.
Monitor and report on the progress of administrative request referred to other organizations/IPs offices
Maintain updated contact information of all beneficiaries who have submitted legal claims and/or requested administrative assistance by the NRC.
Work in the field to identify and meet persons in need of protection assistance within the community.
Regular follow-up of the assigned and/or identified cases in services being received to ensure that all available services are being provided.
Organize and conduct awareness raising activities including information sessions on inclusion and protection with the community and other stakeholders.
Ensure information dissemination about available services to empower persons of concern to reach these services, participate in decision-making concerning them and provide feedback.
Maintain up to date understanding of target communities’ dynamics and changing needs of protection especially of vulnerable groups e.g. women, older adults, children, and persons with disabilities.
Ensure that all practices of the organization in the field strictly comply with NRC policy of PSEAH (Protection of beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment).  
Identify and coordinate with external stakeholders for identification, establishment, and strengthening of the referral mechanism.
Participate in coordination meetings and coordinate with clusters to ensure the availability of up-to-date information regarding areas of intervention.
Compile data at the end of every month for all activities as specified by the Project Manager and share with Line Manager and M&E unit.  
Update the protection database regularly in both digital and hard copy forms.
Regular reporting and facilitation of field activities and other activities (trainings, seminars, learning sessions etc.).
Share lessons learnt in the field, prepare case studies and success stories pertaining to protection assistance for every quarter and/or as required.   
Train the teams, partners & stake holders on various topics related to protection & Disability inclusion.  
Collaborate with other components within the project for training and seminars, and identification of cross-cutting issues that may lead to protection outcomes within the community.
Conduct training, learning sessions, and seminars with beneficiaries, project partners and other stakeholders as identified.  
Maintain follow-up of learning, feedback, and new areas identified.

Cash for Work (CFW) Supervisor
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
Dec 2010 - Feb 2011 | Lower Dir, Pakistan

Develop and maintain contacts with all relevant stakeholders, especially on the level of district and administrative authorities.
Coordinate, supervise and contribute to the preparation and implementation of project activities and carry out other activities necessary for the implementation of this component, arrangement and holding of regular technical and social feedback meetings.
Supervise the smooth implementation of cash for work.
Lead the Cash for Work Officers and assign different tasks to them.
Prepare cash for work plans and schedule and coordinate with local authorities.
Maintain regular contacts with local authorities and major stake holders.
Prepare and submit reports about cash for work activities in order to facilitate the exchange of information and to document the lessons learnt.
Reconcile registration with cash for work beneficiary lists and provided updates and reports about cash for work.
Supervise and monitor the cash for work activities and payments to the beneficiaries and regularly update the database.

Field Officer Livelihood
Relief International
Sep 2010 - Nov 2010 | Lower Dir, Pakistan

Ensure the involvement and representation of targeted communities to engage and express their interests in decision making and development planning processes, through participatory approaches.
Interaction with community for the project intervention and facilitate the Project Manager in mapping of the area for the project implementation and in conducting FGDs in the target community.
Form volunteer committees and strengthen the existing Community organizations and CBOs in target villages/UCs and orient the committee members on project activities, objective, outcomes and implementation methodology
Provide assistance for strengthening communities, civil society organizations, and other relevant stakeholders for efficient, effective, transparent and accountable identification, planning and implementation of project activities.
Develop and maintain good relations and coordination with all relevant stakeholders, especially project communities and their representatives, and implementing partners, team members and management.
Identify and verify beneficiaries, prepare lists and facilitate trainings in the targeted UCs.
Receive project materials and supply these to the field and facilitate their handing over to village committees for their further action.
Facilitate distribution of material, Ensure quality of relevant distribution forms and their timely hand over.
Prepare weekly work plans and share daily and weekly progress reports, bottlenecks with PM, made poultry distributions and other project inputs to the beneficiaries.
 Monitoring post distributions in the target areas.

Child Protection Officer
World Vision International
Sep 2009 - Jun 2010 | Lower Dir, Pakistan

Ensure that the CFS Project is adhering to agreed standards.
Conduct regular monitoring and reporting on the impact of the project on the wellbeing of children.
Monitor and plan expenditure against budget and produce monthly cash projections.
Actively participate in child protection assessments.
Monitor and manage the work and performance of CFS Facilitators, identification of local advocacy concerns, identification of training needs of CFS Facilitators and facilitation of regular trainings of CFS Staff in the area of psychosocial work, CRC, Child Protection and CFS Standards.
Identify the issues that affected children in the community, key local players (including schools, hospitals, and child protection actors), conduct regular meetings with them and provide information to the child protection cluster.
Provide monitoring reports, weekly, monthly and project completion reports of CFS project.
Advocate at community level for children.  
Supervise the implementation of Child Protection activities while ensuring coordination with the key stakeholders.
Ensure that all interventions are in-line with the strategy, and CP Minimum Standards.
Supervise and provide technical support to CFS Facilitators by visiting Child Friendly Spaces and CP Case Workers during field visits.
Guide CFS facilitators in working with children to develop new, creative activities as appropriate.
Apply and adhere to guiding principles of working with survivors and children at risk, including respect, dignity, security, and confidentiality at all times.
Responsible of making ‘Best Interest Principle’ the center of all interventions.
Ensure mapping of service providers including government departments and civil society organizations to support CPO in establishing Referral Mechanism.
Using a client centered approach, work together with survivors or children at risk to establish action plans based on the needs identified and ensure adequate safety plans exist for the clients.
Ensure proper use of referral pathways in the field and assist the children and their families to access legal, educational, health, vocational and other services.
Regularly liaise with the CPO for support and case conferencing together with the Child Protection Coordinator.
Document cases according to WV standards and maintain all records in a secure and confidential way.
Promote awareness among the communities around key child protection issues their monitoring and referral/case management processes.
Liaise with other service providers to strengthen referral mechanism and always ensure safe and smooth referrals.
Participate in meetings to share regular updates e.g. number of cases and major categories.
Liaise with the other team members to highlight any key information necessary to ensure services remain relevant to the children.
Identify gaps in services or risks shared by the survivor or children at risk and report these to the Child Protection Coordinator.
Develop and submit progress reports as required by the line manager.
Contribute to research, learning and evidence-based programming through data collection.
Ensures that safeguarding standards are understood and met and ensures a safe and child-friendly atmosphere in the Child Friendly Space.
Strengthen community-based child protection mechanisms in coordination with community-based protection colleagues and organizations.
Any other task as assigned by the supervisor.

Field Monitor
Pakistan Village Development Program {PVDP}
Jun 2007 - Apr 2008 | Mansehra, Pakistan

Represent and introduce PVDP into communities, its goals and objectives to ensure confidence building and smooth entry within communities.
Create awareness in the community regarding MCH.
Monitor and supervise the activities of Community health workers, Community health Supervisors and social organizers.
Pay regular Field visits to the communities for the smooth implementation of the project.
Conduct Coordination meetings with Health Committees, UNICEF and other stakeholders.
Develop monitoring tools for CHWs, CHSs and social Mobilizer and submission of reports.

Community Mobilizer
Pakistan Village Development Program (PVDP)
Jun 2006 - May 2007 | Mansehra, Pakistan

Conduct social mobilization activities, Assessment, identification and recruitment of CHWs and CHSs.
Formation and orientation Health Committees and Mother Child Support Groups (MCSGs).
Conduct regular monthly meetings with Health Committees and Mother Child Support Groups, meetings with CHWs and CHSs and strengthened referral system with Department of Health (BHUs, RHCs, DHQ).
Distribution of IEC materials and facilitation of CHWs and CHSs Trainings.                                                                                          
Prepare work plans and submit daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly reports.
Monitor and supervise distribution materials and ensure follow ups of house hold registration.
Raise awareness regarding MCH through social Mobilization Campaigns and Interactive Theatre.   

Volunteer Assistant
United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP)
Dec 2005 - May 2006 | Peshawar, Pakistan

Support WFP health and education program in the seven selected districts of KPK
Participate in Coordination meetings with Health and Education departments of KPK.
Record minutes of these meetings.
Pay regular monitoring visits to the selected districts.
Prepare monthly progress reports.
Make arrangements for field missions.
Ensure documentation and maintenance of official files and records, administrative and management tasks of the office.


University of Peshawar
硕士, , Masters in Arts‎
Social work


熟练 decision making
熟练 Outlook
熟练 Ability to work as part of the team
熟练 Adaptable to Changes
熟练 Advocate of Teamwork
中级 Agile Project Management
熟练 Analytic Thinking
熟练 Analytical Skills
中级 Answering Inquiries
熟练 Aseptic Technique Knowledge
熟练 Assessment Skills
熟练 Basic skills in data collection
中级 Budget Preparation Skills
中级 Budget Tracking & Reporting
中级 Budgeting
中级 Business Dnvelopment
熟练 Capacity Building
熟练 Case Management
熟练 CEM Deployment
中级 Child Advocacy
熟练 Child Protection
熟练 Child Rights
中级 Climate Change
熟练 Communication for Development
熟练 Communication Skills
熟练 Communications Skill
熟练 Community Engagement
熟练 Community Health
熟练 Community Mobilization
熟练 Community Work
熟练 Computer Assisted Person Interviews
中级 Computer Knowledge
中级 Computer Literate
中级 Computer Proficiency
中级 Computer Proficient
熟练 Conflict Management
中级 Cooordination Skills
熟练 Coordination Abilities
熟练 Coordination Skills
熟练 Counseling
中级 Critical Thinking
初学者 Crops Growing Techniques
中级 Csutomer Services
熟练 Cultural Awareness
熟练 Data Collection
熟练 Data Collection & Reporting
中级 Data Comparison
熟练 Data Management
中级 Data Management Skills
中级 Data Monitoring


熟练 普什图语
熟练 乌尔都语
中级 英语




Abdurrashad is a constant source of new ideas. Creative, passionate, and fun to be around.

Reporting & MEAL Officer, Secours Islamique France (SIF)
曾与你工作在 World Vision International

Abdurrashad is blends creativity and innovation with organization and strategy.

Abdurrashad 联系人

Waqas Ayaz
Nutrition international
Waqas Ayaz Ayaz
IOM - UN Migration
Fehmida Fehmida
Pakistan Institute for Environment Development Action Research