Hands on experience on fronted, WordPress, jquery php, javascript, html5, css3, bootstrap, Wrdpress Customizaion & SQL Server having excellent command on Database Ability to learn quickly and apply new skills to existing problems
Ability to work well in both team environment and individual environment
Good work ethics with excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Working as a team lead with the following JDs
PSD to Wordpress
WordPress Customization
Plugin Development
Plugin Customization
theme development
theme customization
Team Managment
Hubspot Website development
Shopify Website Developement
Shopify Liqued Code Customization
JQuery code snippet Development
Elementor Widget Development
Working as a web developer
1 PSD to bootstrap
2 PSD to Wordpres
3 themes customizatiin
4 plugins customization
5 custom plugins
my job to create custom theme from div to complete website