
Mr. Siraj is a highly experienced development professional specializing in land acquisition, resettlement planning, and social safeguards compliance, with extensive experience in preparing Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plans (LARPs), Livelhood Restoration Plan (LRP) and conducting socioeconomic surveys. He has a proven track record of minimizing involuntary resettlement impacts through project design collaboration, ensuring compensation and entitlements are met prior to displacement, and managing grievance redress systems to resolve community concerns. His expertise extends to monitoring and reporting on LARP implementation, conducting capacity-building sessions, and ensuring alignment with the Asian Development Bank’s safeguards policies in Bus Rapid Service (BRT) with Government of Sindh.

Mr. Siraj has also served as a Grants/Program Officer with Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI/USAID), where he managed relationships with local CSOs and government entities, ensured compliance with USAID grant guidelines, and facilitated socio-economic data collection. His coordination efforts included supervising field activities, monitoring grants under the Victim Assistance Program (VAP), and supporting partner organizations in implementation and reporting.

Additionally, as Coordinator for Social Mobilization with Plan International and Society for Conservation & Protection of Environment (SCOPE), he developed and implemented gender mainstreaming and social mobilization strategies in community development projects. His responsibilities included conducting social and environmental impact assessments, managing compliance monitoring, and enhancing the capacity of public and private sector practitioners in social safeguard methodologies.

His strong focus on capacity building, social mobilization, compliance monitoring, and stakeholder engagement across multiple projects demonstrates his comprehensive approach to ensuring the successful implementation of resettlement, environmental, and social safeguard policies.


Community based Disaster Management (CBDRM) at Jati-Thatta
Democratized Education, Management and Ownership (DEMO)


Soical Safeguard Specialist
TransKarachi Government of Sindh ADB Financed Project
Jun 2020 - 代表 | Karachi, Pakistan

Planning and Implementation:
· Develop detailed implementation plan to ensure safeguard compliance with support of relevant departments and teams.
· Participate, design and review the ToRs for hiring the supervision consultant at project design advance (PDA), concept and detailed design level stage.
· Take a lead role at project implementation unit (PIU) for supervision of subcontractor of project affected persons (PAPS) censes assessment, assets inventories, socio economic data collection, and conduct meaningful consultation meetings.
· Lead preparation, implementation of Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plans (LARPs) project and its sub-components.
· Based on detailed engineering design and design review, prepare social safeguards due diligence reports confirming sub-projects with and without LAR impacts including linear plans with clearly marked LAR and non-LAR sections and in notifying the LAR sections to contractors that are not open for construction until the LARP is fully implemented and consolidated through monitoring reports.
· Ensure all compensation and entitlements are paid prior to displacement (or beginning of civil works);
· Ensure that the ADB approved Gender Action Plan’s (GAP) activities relevant to TransKarachi operations are implemented.
· Responsible to develop and implement Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) through service provider and vocational training institute on soft and Vo-tech skills development.
· Submit Land Acquisition Resettlement Plan (LARP), Livelihood Restoration Plan and gender framework to ADB for review and approval.
· Support to establish citizen engagement framework to ensure and promote community participation in project designing stage,
· Prepare/update and implementation community consultation plans for project construction operation.
· Keep project record for social audit and compliance purpose and update on day-to-day basis.
Trainings/Capacity Building:
· Develop and conduct training sessions for PIU, Consultant and contractor staff involved in project LAR management to improve their understanding on the ADB’s safeguards requirements and ensure proper understanding and implementation of RPs/LARPs.
· Design and implement social safeguards capacity building plans for PIU. Conduct awareness sessions on project social safeguard policies, roles and responsibilities of PIU, Consultant Teams and Contractor Community Liaison officers (CLO).
Supervision and Monitoring:
· Supervise screening in term of Involuntary Resettlement (IR) and Indigenous People (IP) impact significance and eligibility of the subproject for social safeguards due diligence and preparation/updating of LARPs/IPPs in accordance with provisions outlined in the Resettlement Framework for the Project.
· Supervise census, socioeconomic surveys and consultations with project-affected/displaced persons for drafting the social safeguard documents.
· Track and monitor day to day LAR implementation progress and adjust in implementation schedule to achieve the targeted timelines and provide safeguards related input in project implementation monthly monitoring reports.
· Monitor implementation of RPs/LARPs, consolidate the LARP implementation progress and prepare qualitative social monitoring reports periodically (Quarterly and biannually or as provided TransKarachi Operator of the Karachi Breeze System in the approved LARPs and other project documents) and share with client for review, clearance, and disclosure.
· Conduct periodically monitoring field visits of labour camp, construction site to ensure the social compliance of labour and child protection laws.
Grievances and Redressal Mechanism (GRM):
· Manage and resolve all issues arising from development and/or operation of BRT red line and others being managed by TransKarachi.
· Manage and resolve all social safeguards related grievances arising from development and/or operation of BRT red line and others being managed by TransKarachi.
Planning and Implementation:
· Develop detailed implementation plan to ensure safeguard compliance with support of relevant departments and teams.
· Participate, design and review the ToRs for hiring the supervision consultant at project design advance (PDA), concept and detailed design level stage.
· Take a lead role at project implementation unit (PIU) for supervision of subcontractor of project affected persons (PAPS) censes assessment, assets inventories, socio economic data collection, and conduct meaningful consultation meetings.
· Lead preparation, implementation of Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plans (LARPs) project and its sub-components.
· Based on detailed engineering design and design review, prepare social safeguards due diligence reports confirming sub-projects with and without LAR impacts including linear plans with clearly marked LAR and non-LAR sections and in notifying the LAR sections to contractors that are not open for construction until the LARP is fully implemented and consolidated through monitoring reports.
· Ensure all compensation and entitlements are paid prior to displacement (or beginning of civil works);
· Ensure that the ADB approved Gender Action Plan’s (GAP) activities relevant to TransKarachi operations are implemented.
· Responsible to develop and implement Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) through service provider and vocational training institute on soft and Vo-tech skills development.
· Submit Land Acquisition Resettlement Plan (LARP), Livelihood Restoration Plan and gender framework to ADB for review and approval.
· Support to establish citizen engagement framework to ensure and promote community participation in project designing stage,
· Prepare/update and implementation community consultation plans for project construction operation.
· Keep project record for social audit and compliance purpose and update on day-to-day basis.
Trainings/Capacity Building:
· Develop and conduct training sessions for PIU, Consultant and contractor staff involved in project LAR management to improve their understanding on the ADB’s safeguards requirements and ensure proper understanding and implementation of RPs/LARPs.
·  Design and implement social safeguards capacity building plans for PIU. Conduct awareness sessions on project social safeguard policies, roles and responsibilities of PIU, Consultant Teams and Contractor Community Liaison officers (CLO).
Supervision and Monitoring:
· Supervise screening in term of Involuntary Resettlement (IR) and Indigenous People (IP) impact significance and eligibility of the subproject for social safeguards due diligence and preparation/updating of LARPs/IPPs in accordance with provisions outlined in the Resettlement Framework for the Project.
· Supervise census, socioeconomic surveys and consultations with project-affected/displaced persons for drafting the social safeguard documents.
· Track and monitor day to day LAR implementation progress and adjust in implementation schedule to achieve the targeted timelines and provide safeguards related input in project implementation monthly monitoring reports.
·  Monitor implementation of RPs/LARPs, consolidate the LARP implementation progress and prepare qualitative social monitoring reports periodically (Quarterly and biannually or as provided TransKarachi Operator of the Karachi Breeze System in the approved LARPs and other project documents) and share with client for review, clearance, and disclosure.
· Conduct periodically monitoring field visits of labour camp, construction site to ensure the social compliance of labour and child protection laws.
Grievances and Redressal Mechanism (GRM):
· Manage and resolve all issues arising from development and/or operation of BRT red line and others being managed by TransKarachi.
· Manage and resolve all social safeguards related grievances arising from development and/or operation of BRT red line and others being managed by TransKarachi.

Programn officer: Livelihood Restoration for Victims of Violence (VoV)
Apr 2017 - Mar 2020 | Hyderabad, Pakistan

·  Conduct social censes surveys and analysis data for reporting and identify interventions area
· Support to affected communities/Households or Victims of violence (VoV) in Karachi and support them livelihood restoration through improving their vocation and soft skills trainings.
· Ensure Communities are consulted and fully participate in livelihood restoration process.
· Liaison with Government department for identification of affected persons (APs) mainly home department, social welfare and city administration.
· Identify Potential partner organization/Consultant (I/NGOs) in Karachi city for smooth implementation of Livelihood restoration plan.
· Conduct potential organization capacity assessment and appraisal for grants
· Training to partner organization for developing the grant proposals
· Responsible to evaluate the partner organizations grant proposals
· Support partner organization for development of project proposals and evaluation
· Monitor the livelihood restoration grants.
· Develop social safeguard documents
· Participate in the review and clearance of project documents for compliance with USAID safeguards guidelines.
· Assess the robustness of the consultation process required for the preparation and implementation of the livelihood restoration grants
· Initiate and review terms of reference for the conduct of social assessments required to inform project preparation.
· Review the partners reports
· Develop monthly. Quarterly and biannually reports for donor organization

Coordinator Social Mobilization World Bank Financed (GoS)
Plan International
Feb 2016 - Mar 2017 | Tharparkar, Pakistan

· Developed and implement Project Implementation Plan (PIP), social mobilization, gender mainstreaming strategies.
· Designed and lead socio-economic surveys in targeted villages with community participation.
· Developed focus ground discussion FGD, Key Informant Interview (KII) and In-depth Interviews tools for data collection.
· Developed social mobilization strategy considering the World Bank social safeguards guidelines and ensure the community participation in decision-making process. Social mobilization strategy emphasized on gender mainstreaming throughout the project in decision-making.
· Prepare successful implementation of the project environmental assessment instruments/documentation, including preparation of environmental impact/risk assessments and environmental management plans.  
· Conduct social impact assessment by applying the social impact screening to Identifying major impacts on health: environmental, social, economic, cultural, and political and analysis the risk with mitigation plans. 
· Review and analysis of National land acquisition laws in line of World Bank (WB) operational manual on land acquisition and monitor the voluntarily land donation (VLD) process ad per PC-1 document. Prepared the comparison matrix document for WB compliance.
· Develop the internal monitoring on regular bases and prepare due diligence report.
· Submit internal monitoring and due diligence reports to donor for verification.
· Provide assistance to technical team in identifying appropriate location for chillers and conduct land resettlement assessments, analysis and provide reports on pre-essentials for chillers installation.
· Monitor the fulfillment of the project-specific social safeguards policies requirements with respect to all project activities, in all direct and indirect contracts.
· Lead the discussion with project affected persons during information disclosure and assessment dialogue meetings.
· Coordination with district level stakeholders for making the compensations arrangements where it does require.
· Carry out site supervision visits during implementation of sub-projects and of other activities related to the Project.
· Conduct periodic site visits, in designated area, to inspect and approve plans and monitor compliance and report to Team Leader. 
· Provide specialized social safeguards related inputs in the elaboration of technical specifications for various assignments.
· Responsible for receiving the project related grievances and comply as per developed strategy at designing level. Registered the verbally and written grievances of project beneficiaries.
· Design ToRs for hiring the independent consultants for implementation of social safeguards.
· Assist Team Lead to ensure that activities are completed within the specified timeframe and to acceptable level of technical and programme quality.
· Leading the development and application of appropriate safeguard policies
· Capacity enhancement of public and private sector practitioners on social safeguards /methodologies in targeted districts.
· Develop and submit weekly, monthly and quarter progress report and make ensure that safeguards related issues; mitigation and gender segregation data is properly reported.

FAO-United Nations
Mar 2015 - Jan 2016 | Mirpur Khas, Pakistan

· Plan and execute a wide range of assistance for people interested in forming new Village Organizations/ Community Based Organizations including initial planning, feasibility determination, Community involvement and acceptance in the creation and implementation of a community-based livelihood interventions in the project area, Monitor the works of IPs and Government line departments contracted for the project interventions for welfare of farming communities and timely processing of payments to service providers,
· Prepared proposals for procurement/ outsourcing social mobilization activities and manages relevant contractual relationships wherever required, Performed quality testing, and inspection and supervise eventual completion of livelihood interventions through community participation, Provide technical assistance and training to project staff and partner agencies in assessing the impact on beneficiaries vis-a-vis social development, food production, and income generation, etc, Conducted studies to assess existing livelihood, social conditions, and cost-effective and socially acceptable livelihood enhancement practices, Served as a catalyst in bringing together the best available resources, working closely with project partners other public and private institutions to develop solutions to specific social problems,
·  Developed guidelines for the social activities of VOs/ CBOs for the sustainability of project interventions,
· Planned and execute activities for community participation in disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities. Those relating to agriculture sociology and rural development, prepare periodic reports relating to areas of expertise and assist the project management in the consolidation of periodic reports, prepared preliminary cost estimates of the works recommended above, Ensured the submission of weekly/monthly work plan, monthly, quarterly, annual and final progress reports.

Deputy Program Manager
ACF International | Action Against Hunger
Sep 2013 - Jan 2015 | Dadu, Pakistan

·  Support the National Coordinator in developing monitoring and evaluation framework/plans for all project interventions and monitoring project progress, Plan; l
ead baseline assessments, Identifying, grant implementation opportunities in disaster affected or prone areas with respective communities & Local Government Authorities,
Staff capacity building on development and participatory approaches and support where required and identified their needs,
Daily monitoring and recording of field activities in accordance with national and international standards,
Daily management of field implementation and associated costs, Advice,
support and coordinate, with field staff to ensure that the various aspects of Program integrated with Food Security Livelihood (FSL), WASH & Nutrition,
Compile and submit regular monitoring reports on all project activities and final inspection reports of field work,
Ensured timely and appropriate response to any emergency/disaster in province that fulfil humanitarian requirements,
Coordination with security, human resource department, finance Logistic and procurement department, Participate in sector integrated coordination and networking forums in provincial level.

Project Manager
Tearfund UK
Mar 2011 - Sep 2013 | Tando Mohd Khan, Pakistan

Support to country office for supervision of partner activities and technical support at field level,
Provide the local information to the Senior Management Team based in UK office as part of the program,
Strategy development process for use in the Programme Framework (PF), Ensure that Tearfund’s purpose, values and the program objectives are communicated amongst staff to create mutual understanding and ownership and facilitate input from staff in the strategic planning process,
Ensured that consistent high quality, technically viable water, sanitation and hygiene services are provided under WASH component at the field level,
Monitor the humanitarian situation in the project area, Making detailed reports and within the agreed country program strategy propose recommendations to the area management team regarding community needs, vulnerabilities/capacities and suggested responses,
In collaboration with community representatives, undertake detailed analysis and design appropriate project interventions to meet needs and strengthen local capacities,
Administration of workshops, trainings and meetings that are hosted as part of the project,
Provide leadership to the project team, ensuring clarity over plans and priorities, encouraging effective team-work, Provide supervision,
guidance and monitoring for project staff, ensuring clarity over project plans and priorities and encouraging effective team work,
Planning, in a way that is consistent and transparent.

Team Leader
ACF International | Action Against Hunger
Apr 2010 - Dec 2010 | Thatta, Pakistan

Prgram Manager
Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment (SCOPE)
Jan 2008 - Mar 2010 | Tharparkar, Pakistan

·  Developed and implement socio-ecnomic qualitative and quantitative surveys. 
·  Support to the senior management in developing community infrastructure and community development and other projects framework/plans and monitoring project progress.
· Designed and lead to conduct social assessment and identify the project impact in local community development.
· Review project plan, design, cost, and bid documents to ensure environmental and social factors and mitigations are incorporated, and they are in harmony with environmental and social requirements.
·  Prepare guidelines, tools and notes for use in the project based on relevant environmental and social policies, acts and regulations/ directives of the Government of Sindh/Pakistan and relevant safeguard policies of World Bank.
· Ensure that each activity under the project is subjected to the Project ESMF process and procedures, and carry out environmental screening of activities, and prepare specific Environmental Management Plans (EMPs).
·  Prepare environmental information materials and help the client in disseminating the information to the relevant stakeholders; and organize environmental and social orientation & awareness, consultations, and training programs;
· Developed and operationalized a social mobilization strategy by defining verifiable indicators and targets.
Developed a Community Institutions Maturity Index to review the capacities of community institutions such as media, unions, community based organizations (CBOs) and other civil society organizations (CSOs).
· Developed a field based social audit plan to review the performance of community based organization and community institutions; conduct periodic audits.
· Ensure that each tier community institution plays the role as suggested in the standard operational plans (SOPs) through gender mainstreaming.
· Engage community, stakeholder in consultation on coordination and planning, collaboration on implementation, and especially feedback on M&E of service delivery;
· Obtain citizens’ feedback on the results and lessons learned from previous interventions and their involvement in planning for current priorities and in collaborating to implement the proposed interventions.
· Develop and initiate the social assessments tools of assessment in project area.
· Review of the ethnic minorities’ development plan and supervision of its implementation
· Assess the robustness of the consultation process for the preparation and implementation of the resettlement action plan as well as the Ethnic Minorities Development Plan
·  Provide basic orientation and training to local organizations and stakeholder potentially involved in projects under preparation.
· Participate in the review and clearance of project documents for compliance with PPAF safeguards guidelines.
· Assess the robustness of the consultation process required for the preparation and implementation of the resettlement action plan.
· Supervise land acquisition and involuntary resettlement activities in projects under implementation;
· Initiate and review terms of reference for the conduct of social assessments required to inform project preparation.
Gender Mainstreaming:
·  Ensure Gender mainstreaming at the institutional level and social development, including, participatory planning and poverty-related issues across social sectors in rural agriculture and reduce the gender gap in rural development-induced social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities
· Provide guidance on the use of performance indicators and evaluations to reflect progress toward gender equality outcomes and impacts throughout the life of the project.
· Enhanced the Skills and Knowledge of Men and Women member, Landless People on organization management. 
· Trained representatives of community organizations (PO’s) and farmers organizations (FO’s) in democratic process, group administration, conflict resolution, business management, etc through culturally sensitive and locally proven participatory approaches, with special reference to gender perspectives.
Compliance Monitoring:
·  Liaise with other organisations/entities engaged in similar activities in same targeted area.
·  Develop and implement tools for both qualitative and quantitative surveys.
· Organize the donors safeguard or social development sectors and others stake holder’s field visits.
· Participate in developing and implementation of external evaluations.
· Trained to field based PPAF project staff to ensure environment social management plans are properly implemented in line of donor guidelines.
· Ensured to implement the social and environment aspects of ESMF.
·  Ensured to supervise the preparation and implementation of ESMPs as per PPAF guidelines in all activities.
· Collect analyses and interpret field data regarding social and gender aspect of the project initiatives.
· Closely Monitoring of ESMP implementation task defined in framework as per donor requirements
· Review the ESMP submitted by field staff to head office for monthly reports of donor.
· Supervise and monitor ESMP Consultants for all tasks defined in the ESMF particularly preparation and implementation of ESMPs
· Review the monitoring reports of M&E officers and project coordinators.
· Carried out frequent field visits and supervise the implementation of ESMP as per PPAF guiding documents.
· Trained field based teams on social and environment requirements of safeguard police and ensure its implementation.
Capacity Building
· Lead, identify, assess, and monitor overall capacity building needs on environmental safeguards within the organization.
· Lead, develop and administer as needed technical assistance (TA) and other training programs for capacity building for staff, SCOPE stakeholders and communities.
· Lead and work to develop projects or programs with a specific safeguards or environmental focus.
Managing and reporting Grievances Redress Mechanism (GRM) process:
· Disclose project interventions information in communities
· Engage the local communities in project implementation process.
· Displayed Community feedback and complains boxes in community.
· Keep tracking of community complain registered and follow up with responsible departments.
· Obtain Community/citizens’ feedback on the results and lessons learned from previous interventions and their involvement in planning for current priorities and in collaborating to implement the proposed interventions, also design and implement GRM for project beneficiaries and stakeholder suggestions for future interventions and trained field based teams (Social Mobilizers, Field engineer, environment engineers, agriculture officers and unit managers) to brief the communities on benefit of GRM and it’s process.
· Established free toll numbers for GRM and aware to community on process.
· Established GRM in all field offices and kept complain recording registered and displayed phone numbers and process.
· Displayed complain boxes at community level and displayed complain recording process.

Social Mobilizer
LEAD Pakistan
May 2005 - Apr 2007 | Tharparkar, Pakistan

·  Strengthen the capacity of School Management Committees and district education department.
· Conduct baseline suryes of schools. 
· Engage the parents in school development programs and develop school development plans (SIP)
· Conduct village assemblies (VA) and senstize the community to take ownership of schools.
· Regular field visits and meetings.
· Supervise the school improvement grants (SIG) implimentation with effectiveness.
· Mobilize parents to contribute in school improvement by cash, labour, material and volountarlity land donations (VLD)
· Develop daily, weekly and montly reports


University of Massachusetts Amherst
证书, ‎
Organization Management
Shah Abdul Latif University
硕士, 科学硕士学位, Sociology‎
Rural development, Population, Sociology
等级 B+


熟练 Ability to plan and work within agreed time
熟练 Ability to work in and with a diverse team
熟练 Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)
熟练 Community Mobilization
熟练 Conservation Awareness
熟练 Cooordination Skills
熟练 Coordination and Partnership
中级 Coordination Skills
熟练 Good understanding of current thinking
熟练 in depth understanding of national & Int.
熟练 Knowledge of public health evaluation theories
熟练 MIT Knowledge
熟练 Networking and capacity building of CSOs
熟练 Project Cycle Managemen (PCM)
中级 Proposal Writing
熟练 Proven experience of developing quality proposals
熟练 Report Writing Skills
熟练 Researches and Survey (PRA)
熟练 Self-motivated & ability to work on multiple
熟练 Social Studies Subject Command
熟练 Stakeholder Engagement
熟练 Strong knowledge of CHS and SPHERE standards.
中级 Trainering
熟练 Training Developement
熟练 Water Quality Analysis
熟练 Working with Rural & Urban communities


熟练 信德语
熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 英语