
  • To use my skills and potential to assist an organization in achieving.
  • its goals which seeking long term career with optimum growth.
  • This objective would be supported by my qualification, in addition to the management experience and multilingual command.
  • Shield Awarded by HANDS in respect of Best performance at EXPO international Auditorium Center Lahore on August 14th 2015.
  • Shield Awarded by HANDS in respect of Best performance at HANDS head office Karachi on August 14th 2017.
  • Medal Awarded by HANDS in respect of ten years services at HANDS head office Karachi on February 2019.
  • Medal Awarded by HANDS in respect of Best performance at HANDS District office Ghotki on March 2021.
  • Certificate Awarded by DPWD District Ghotki in respect of Appreciation on 11 July 2021 World Population Day 2021.
  • Three Days Training received on ASER (Annual status of Education Report) Pakistan Survey 2012 at HANDS ICD Dadu by HANDS.
  • Three Days TOT received for ASER (Annual status of Education Report) Pakistan Survey 2013 at Farhan Hotel Hyderabad by ITA Islamabad.
  • One Day training received on Logistic Management at Inter Park Hotel Sukkur by WFP.
  • Three Days TOT received for ASER (Annual status of Education Report) Pakistan Survey 2014 at Crown Hotel Hyderabad by ITA Islamabad.
  • One Days Workshop  on Stress Management at (ICD-AMRDO) Hyderabad 
  • Two days training received on MEM and IP by Shifa foundation Islamabad.
  • Three Days TOT received on Drought assessment  Survey 2018 in Drought effected areas in Sindh at Hyderabad club  Hyderabad by UNICEF,IOM,WFP ,FAO, Acted and HANDS.
  • Three days training received for Marvi workers on Clients Centered Family Planning Services and BIB under DAFPAK project by HANDS at Head Office Karachi.
  • Three Days training received for Marvi workers on Clients Centered Family Planning Services under DAFPAK project by HANDS at Islamabad.


Field Officer
Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS)
Oct 2022 - Feb 2023 | Dadu, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities,

Assist in conducting broad based community meetings (BBCM) / stake holders workshop at community level
Assist in conducting needs assessment / base line / surveys for data collection in the defined project areas
Assist in identification & prioritization of most vulnerable / marginalized villages through PRA tools.
Assist in initial contacts & programme introduction of project in the targeted village
Formation, revitalization, strengthening of village / community development committees / organizations by ensuring inclusion of all segments of society on sustainable basis.
Identification & prioritization of the most pressing needs of the communities through PRA tools (issues prioritization).
Conduct regular meetings with community organizations for raising awareness about their entitlement i.e. social, economic & rights.
Facilitate & support other sectoral leads at ground in need identification / prioritization & verification of the project interventions / activities.
Close coordination with male CDO/POs and relevant stake holders working in the project targeted areas. andalso conduct awareness session on health and hygeine.
Regular follow up and monitoring of project activities & timely reporting of identified gaps with best possible solutions.

Registration Coordinator - (WFP- Be Nazeer/Ehsaas Nasho numa Project)
Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS)
Oct 2021 - Aug 2022 | Dadu, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities,

Responsible for preparing and submitting monthly, quarterly and annual reports of all ongoing and completed projects as per donors and SF requirements.
Manage project documentation and communications, supporting field teams in preparing their work plans.
Taking, compiling and sharing meeting minutes of all meetings attended with WFP Ehsaas Nashonuma Project.
Assisting District coordinator/ District officers for capacity building of Facilitation center staff.
Assisting Sr. Manager Operations for consolidating monthly expenditure report for Ehsaas Nashonuma project for compilation of Invoice.
Coordinating with Ehsaas Nashonuma Project field teams for daily field operation.
Conduct qualitative and quantitative research studies/ data analysis and reporting of research work.

Developing monitoring checklists for all ongoing projects, writing Case Studies / Success stories (beneficiaries and staff).Collection of data from field office on weekly/monthly/quarterly and consolidation data for onward sharing with line Manager.
Identification of BISP PLW beneficiaries and reffered to Facility Centre at THQ base.
Mack women support group and close coordination with LHW National Programme .

Community Mobilization Officer/MIS Officer
Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS)
Dec 2018 - Aug 2021 | Ghotki, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities

Data entry of MWRAs and Family Planning clientson daily basis.
Ensure supply of FP and other medical goods to Marvi workers.
Identify of stake holders/Noteables for advocay training.
Organizing stake holder/Noteable sensitization session at community level.
Develop follow up mechnisim of stake holder/sNoteables session's.
Organize and facilitate DO team for organizing health related events at district level.
conduct and organize trainings for Religous leader/ stake holder and Marvi workers on Fammily Planning.
Support  DFM for smoothly distoribution  of MWs stipend.
Close coordination with District population welfare team.
Maintain record keeping of FP and othermedicine in ward and out ward at district level.
To assist the community in optaining information and knowledge that may be avaiable through government and Non governmental agencies through extension and outreach programs.
To assist the community members in developing their own capacity and strength to the point where they no longer need the services of the mobilizer.
achieve the KPIs,AFP/AIP and project targets on time.
assist to DEM/DPM/LHV field staff in project activities  where required.
Any other duty as assigned by immediate supervisor.

Education Promoter Officer - (CDP Education)
Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS)
Jul 2017 - Nov 2018 | Dadu, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities ,
Conducting training's of community Organizations, Teachers and SMC, with the help of Training Department.

Attend Regular Community Based Meetings Exchange Ideas and experience with the Management and Field Staff
Supervision of Field workers at field Level.
Any other Work Assigned by Management.
To Give Sessions about Education and Health to Communities.
To make weekly reports.
To make weekly & monthly field plan.
To Make Monthly Progress Report.
To Give training's to Teachers and Community Based Organizations On Capacity Building.
Close coordination with district Education department.
Conduct enrollment Compiegne.
Prepares and maintains specialized promotional and educational programs, activities, events, publications, reports, electronic media, records and files.    

Community Mobilization Officer(CMO) -(RHSP)
Health And Nutrition Development Society (HAMDS)
Jul 2016 - Jun 2017 | Dadu, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities

Making Initial contact with local Communities.
Data entry of MWRAs and Family Planning clientson daily basis.
Initial Survey about the Intervention.
Conducting Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
Ensure supply of FP and other medical goods to Marvi workers.
Identify of stake holders/Noteables for advocay training.
Organizing stake holder/Noteable sensitization session at community level.
Develop follow up mechnisim of stake holder/sNoteables session's.
Organize and facilitate DO team for organizing health related events at district level.
conduct and organize trainings for Religous leader/ stake holder and Marvi workers on Fammily Planning.
Support  DFM for smoothly distoribution  of MWs stipend.
Close coordination with District population welfare team.
Maintain record keeping of FP and othermedicine in ward and out ward at district level.
Assist to DEM/DPM/LHV field staff in project activities  where required.
Any other duty as assigned by immediate supervisor.

Enumerator Supervisor /Data collector -(SUCCESS)
Apr 2016 - Jul 2016 | Dadu, Pakistan

Enter Description

Community Mobilizer -(CMAM)
Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS)
Mar 2016 - Mar 2016 | Mithi, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities

Responsibility to ensure the effective implementation of CMAM community outreach activities in the field.
Develop micro plan of community outreach activities and submit on monthly basis.
Complete and update all the tools given for the conduction of awareness and assessment activities.
Collect and transmit the data relative to the activities to the supervision teams.
Responsibility to ensure the follow up of CMAM benificiaries through outreach activities in the field.
Establishment of community outreach setup at each union council through selection of community volunteers and health workers.
Community mobilization and beneficiary screening, provision of MM Supplementation and follow up.
Support to the Community Health Worker (CHW) and Volunteers during screening (active case finding).
Ensure community social behavior change communication health and awareness session/campaign on regular basis through CHW/support groups.

Community Mobilizer - (MSS-FPRH)
Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS)
Mar 2014 - Feb 2016 | Dadu, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities

Develop micro plan of community outreach activities and submit on monthly basis.
Community sensitization on the program objectives and methods to stimulate & eventually promote the understanding and participation of the target population. Community sensitization starts at village- and Community-leader levels and eventually extends to the entire population.
Establishment of community outreach setup at each union council through selection of community volunteers and health workers.
Community mobilization and beneficiary screening, provision of MM Supplementation and follow up.
Support to the Community Health Worker (CHW) LHW,and Volunteers during screening (active case finding).
Ensure community social behavior change communication health and awareness session/campaign on regular basis through CHW/support groups.
Establish linked and meetings with the Community leaders and different group existing in the working area.
To make weekly reports.
To make weekly & monthly field plan.
To Make Monthly Progress Report.

Field Supervisor (AVE) (08th May-2013 to 31st July-2013)
National Rural Development Program (NRDP)
May 2013 - Jul 2013 | Dadu, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities

Conduct federal, state, county, and district elections.
Give wareness to community about vote casting
Maintain voter registration rolls
Mail advance notice of election for absent.
Maintain statistics on election results, voting history, and voter registration.
Supervizing to field teams .
mack field plan teams.
Conduct voter outreach drives and education activities.

Warehouse Incharge (GFD WFP)
Heath And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS)
Jul 2012 - Feb 2013 | Jacobabad, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities

Strategically manage warehouse in compliance with companys policies and vision
Oversee receiving, warehousing, distribution and maintenance operations
Setup layout and ensure efficient space utilization
Initiate, coordinate and enforce optimal operational policies and proceduresAdhere to all warehousing, handling and shipping legislation requirements
Maintain standards of health and safety, hygiene and security
Manage stock control and reconcile with data storage system
Prepare annual budget
Liaise with clients, suppliers and transport companies
Plan work rotas, assign tasks appropriately and appraise results.
Produce reports and statistics regularly (IN/OUT status report, dead stock report etc)

Store Keeper
Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS)
Feb 2012 - Jul 2012 | Dadu, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities,
When receiving goods, check the number of packages against the cargo manifest, check packaging and colis and Inform the line manager of any problems (missing or damaged goods, etc
Report immediately to line manager if any temperature breach.
Ensure that all items in stock are well organized and correctly stored, fully identified and easily accessible (cleanliness, security, access, etc.).
Follow up stock levels with regards to alarms thresholds, stock out, expiry dates and drugs to expire in the following 6 months and report to line manager.
In conjunction with line manager and representative of the project where the stock belongs to, organize and
Perform regular physical stock counts in accordance with a pre-defined frequency implemented in the mission

Logistic Assistant- (FFW WFP)
Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS)
Oct 2011 - Dec 2011 | Dadu, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities
Supervise the loading, off-loading and stacking of the commodities, and assist the
storekeeper to keep updated records on stack cards, and/or computer inventory lists
Make appropriate remarks on the consignors documents and WFP tally sheets when
differences are observed between consigned and received quantities
Supervise cleaning exercise after loading and off-loading and reconstitution exercise
when required Check and control incoming goods both food and non food commodities by such methods as physical counts, random weight checks, rejection of any spoiled commodity, reconditioning of underweight bags, etc to ascertain that they meet the required specifications and to report anomalies if any
Prepare the delivery of goods upon request of the storekeeper and against official and approved documentation
Participate in periodic physical inventory checks as assigned by the storekeeper
Timely report and, in consultation with the storekeeper, undertake re- bagging/repacking, reconstitution and segregation of damaged food
Implement proper stacking according to commodity and Shipping Instruction (SI) numbers
Prepare Dispatch tally sheets for commodities issued from the warehouse  Distribute tally sheets to the users as per WFP guidelines
Record all commodity receipts, issues and disposals on stack cards
Assist the storekeepers supervision and training of casual labor
Perform other related duties as required.

Social Organizer/Project Associate -(ISAR-DFID)
Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS)
Jan 2011 - Sep 2011 | Dadu, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities

Prepare weekly/Monthly/Quarterly work plans.
Making Initial contact with local Communities.
Initiating first dialogues with the Communities
Initial Survey about the Intervention.
Conducting Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
Formation of community Based Organizations (CBO)
Opening of Accounts of Community Based Organizations.
Conducting training's of community Organizations, Teachers and SMC, with the help of Training Department.
Any other Work Assigned by Management.
To Give Sessions about Education and Health to Communities.
To make weekly reports.
To make weekly & monthly field plan
To Make Monthly Progress Report.
To Give training's to Teachers and Community Based Organizations On Capacity Building.
Identify and arrange introductory meetings with the contact persons.
Hold introductory meetings with the communities.
Introduce the program concept and develop a long-term vision of the program in the organized communities.
Attend CO/VDOs monthly meetings on regular bases.
Ensure the rules & regulation of the VDOs/UADOs/UCDO are in place.
Conduct Need assessment of the communities/Situational Analysis.
Preparation of Need assessment/Situational analysis reports.
Preparation of the Village Development plan with the organized communities.
Coordination with NGOs, Banks and line agencies for developing sustainable linkages among the communities and these agencies.
Record keeping of VDOs/DOs/Committees at district level

Store Keeper / Warehouse
Ali Enterprises Distributor of Pharmaceutical Products
Jan 2000 - Dec 2005 | Dadu, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities
Receive, load, unload, and shelve the supplies. Perform other stock-related duties, including stamping, packing, and labelling
Ensure conformity in the reception and recording of international and local orders. Maintain receipts, records, and withdrawals of the stockroom
Makes sure that the goods are received and organized in accordance with standards and the medicine is stowed away in accordance with recommendations
Inspect deliveries for damage or discrepancies and report those to accounting for reimbursements and record keeping
Try to maintain optimum conditions in pharmacy store. Daily check and record temperature humidity and rodent/insect in store and inform Pharmacist
Checks the temperature of cold chain equipment every morning and evening, and records the results on the temperature monitoring form
Inform mission pharmacist on the stock levels and conduct physical inventory.
Support and assist pharmacist to prepare orders and ollow up deliveries to the bases
Ensure that all bookkeeping practices are maintained, and records are being produced periodically and adequately


Sufis Computer Institution
短课程, Six months Office Automation course in (PMYSDP)‎
Computer Networks and Communication, Excel, Ms Office, Word, Power Point
University of Sindh
学士, 艺术学士, B.A‎
English, Political Science, Pakistan Study


熟练 Ability To Work Under Pressure in an Unstable
初学者 Academic Databases Management
熟练 Activity Coordination
熟练 Administrative Skills
中级 Aesthetic Procedures Knowledge
中级 Analytical Skills
熟练 Asset Management
中级 Budget Monitoring
初学者 Business Activity Monitoring
熟练 Case Management
初学者 Child Counselling
初学者 Child Engagement
中级 Child Protection Development
初学者 Clinical Psychology
熟练 Community Health
熟练 Community Work
初学者 Complaint Management
熟练 Configuration Switches
熟练 Conflict Management
熟练 Consistency
熟练 Coordination Skilla
中级 CP Case Management Mechanism
中级 CP Mainstreaming
中级 CPU Community Referrals
初学者 CRM Command
初学者 Data Analysis
中级 Data Comparison
熟练 Data Management
熟练 Database Impact
中级 Dealing With Emergency Response
熟练 Decision Making
初学者 Emotional support
中级 ERP Software Command
熟练 ERP Systems Familiarity
中级 Evaluation Skills
熟练 External Coordination
初学者 External Liaison
初学者 Field Activities
熟练 Field Activities Skills
熟练 Field Work
熟练 Financial and Budgeting Skills
熟练 Fleet Management
熟练 Fluent in Sindhi
熟练 Hygiene Promotion
熟练 Hygiene Skills
熟练 Including Ability
中级 Integrated Supply Chain Management
中级 Inventory Management
熟练 Japanese and Korean Language Proficiency
熟练 Knowledge of Issues Relating to Community


熟练 信德语