Higher school certificate Karachi board (2006)
Secondary school certificate Karachi board (2010)
Bachelors in Arts Karachi University (2014)
Masters in International Relations Karachi University (Continue)
ACCP-PRO Aptech Institute Karachi (2017)
Technical Skills:
Database Tool
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Ionic 3
Blog Site
E-commerce Website
Locate me Mobile App
Favorite Quotes Mobile App
Hello-Kids Mobile App
Job Description:
1: Organize travel arrangements for staff
2: Prepare files and documents in MS-Word
3: Create and maintain files in MS-Excel
4: Update and maintain databases such as mailing lists, contact lists and client information
5: Retrieve information when requested
6: Co-ordinate and organize appointments and meetings
7: Collect Sales Tax Challan& Invoices
8: Monitor daily attendance
9: Maintain leave and medical record of the employees
10: Inform applicants about job details such as benefits and conditions
11: Schedule and organize interviews
12: Updates employee phone directory and company organization chart.
13: Maintains a database of employee contact information.
14: Maintains customer database by inputting customer profile and updates
15: Keeps employee records up-to-date by processing employee status changes in a timely manner.
16: Schedule and confirm employee’s customer visit
17: Keep employee’s customer visit record
18: Perform other duties as assigned
• Dealing in visa services & domestic reservation
• Interaction with clients Via phone and e mail, Booking of air Fare
• Manage Customer Complaints
• Dealing with customer inquiries and meet to their expectations
• Negotiation with Airlines
• Determined customer need and provide world class service to corporate, leisure and group travel customer