
1 Year Experiance in Call Centre.
8 months Experiance in USA Based Call Centre as a CSR.
Good Communication and listening skills
Fluent in English


Thin Clicks
Nov 2022 - Aug 2023 | Lahore, Pakistan

1 Year Experiance in a Call Centre as a CSR (UK Campaign) 8 months Experiance in a Call Centre as a CSR (USA Campaign)


University of the Punjab
学士, 贸易学士, B.Com‎
Commerce, Business And Finance, Advance Accounting
所占比重 59%


熟练 Ability to Maintain Professionalism
熟练 Ability to Promote a Positive Image of the Bank
熟练 Accounting
初学者 Accounts
初学者 Accounts Handling
初学者 Accounts Payable
初学者 Accounts Payments Handling
初学者 Admission Management
初学者 Book keeping
初学者 Bookkeeping Knowledge
熟练 Communication and Interpersonal Skills
初学者 Finance Reporting
中级 Financial Accounting
中级 Fluent in English
初学者 Funds Management
初学者 General Ledger Maintenance
中级 good communication and listening skills
中级 Handle Stressful Situations
中级 Positive Attitude
熟练 Promote a Positive Image of the Bank
熟练 Quality Control Cutting
熟练 Quality Control Knitting
初学者 Reconciliation
初学者 Record Keeping
初学者 Service Delivery Management
初学者 Social Welfare Management
中级 Tax Accounting
初学者 Tax Management
中级 Telemarketing
中级 Telesales


熟练 英语
熟练 乌尔都语